Chapter 8 - Cupcake

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Chapter 8 - Cupcake

I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulders when I woke up. I remember sleeping on Isac's back but I didn't remember what happened next.

My arm subconsciously moved because it was dead and it hit a hard cushion, making it fall back on me. It hit a fluffy material and I felt it move.

I opened my eyes and I was face to face with the one and only buttwipe of my dear life.

He was sleeping peacefully and his hair was covering his right eye. I noticed he has a few freckles on his cheeks and my eyes flickered on his lips. Isac's right arm was around me and his left arm was peacefully resting near his head.

But, I only realized now that we were sleeping on the couch. It was fairly big and I could believe why we didn't fall.

"Goodmorning my dearest cupcake." He opened his eyes and pecked my nose.

A sudden rush of blood went up my face and my breath automatically hitched.

He was studying me closely. He looked at my eyes and went down to my lips, making me lick it, out of consciousness.




Based on the amused look he had, I kinda guessed that my eyes were as wide as a tarsier's

I tried to sit but I remember his arm was around me. "Let's sleep. We don't leave until noon." He pulled me closer and I shifted a little.

It was 8:00 in the morning and I was wide awake even if I didn't get enough sleep. "Are you going to let me go?" I asked and sighed.

"No." His breath fanned my nose and I felt that I was blushing.

"I'll cook." He jolted up the couch, making me almost fall but his arm is still clutched around me. I looked at it and he slowly removed it. "Cook me breakfast, woman!" He demanded and I rolled me eyes.

Boys and their food.

I went to the kitchen with only my socks on. "Aren't you going to wear any shoes?" He asked, trailing behind my back. I felt his gaze burn on my backless tank top.

Candice, teenage boys are hormonal. Note to self, please.

Right. Now shut up inner voice.

I felt a large fabric placed on my shoulders, to see Isac put it on to me. "It's freezing if you haven't noticed your shivering. You might catch a cold."

My inner me jumped in joy but was later killed when his mouth opened again.

"If you have colds and we're always together, pretty sure I'm gonna catch it. I don't want to sing nasally."


I rolled my eyes and heated up the stove.

"Whatever floats your boat, arsehat." I retorted, breaking the egg and scrambling it.

When I finished, I quickly turned off the heat and placed the food on a bowl, almost throwing it at Isac.

He narrowed his eyes on me but I quickly avoided it and went back to the guest room to take a shower.

I shouldn't be here, in all honesty.

Not that I hate Europe or something but I should be in America, filming for our 3rd season for Beats Up. It's kind of a dance show with a twist.

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