Chapter 9 - "Promise Me I'll See You Soon"

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Chapter 9 - "Promise Me I'll See You Soon"

After the little shenanigan, I called Johnny and asked him to bring me home, which he gladly obliged to do.

He sent a private jet on the way now, and I'm at the runway with Tamara. I couldn't stop pacing back and fourth. My arm couldn't stop brushing my hair once in a while and my breathing was far from normal.

Joanna hung up after that and I couldn't call her back. Her phone was dead and I couldn't contact anyone there.

"Candice, dear. Calm down. Maybe she's fine." Tamara said but I couldn't just believe her.

She was left with the demonic witch and a brainless man. No assurance that she was safe or whatsoever.

I kept my mouth sealed since I'll just shout incoherent words that no mother wants their 6-year old child to hear.

The environment I was in didn't help me take over the fear I'm feeling. It was dark, chilly and it had lonely vibes.

Which wasn't obviously helping me.

"The jet's arriving. We should stand back." Tamara said and I quickly stood at the side, impatiently tapping my foot against the concrete.

After a few arrangements, we were ready to go but a voice halted me.

"Wait! Cupcake!"

Really? Of all the names I had?

"What?!" I turned around and saw Isac panting heavily, jogging towards me.

I gave him an incredulous look and he asked me a minute to breathe.

"Security chased me." He took breaths in between and I secretly blushed. "Look, Isac. I really need to go." I turned away but he spun me around.

"Promise me I'll see you soon."

I blinked once or twice. But by one or twice, I mean maybe a couple of hundred times.

"Come again?" I asked, flabbergasted. What even?

"I'll see you soon, right?" He asked shyly and I chuckled, nodding. "You will. Bye Isac." He loosened his grip on me but kissed the top of my hand, making me blush even more.

A throat cleared and both of us looked at an amused Tamara, smirking at us. "As much as I want to make you two kiss-"

"HEY!" Both of us exclaimed.

"-We have time to catch." she winked.

Isac placed both arms on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "Promise?" His gaze went down from my eyes to my lips, making me bite it unconsciously.



I was at New Jersey already and was watching Joanna's chest go up and down from breathing.

She had a panic attack and collapsed on the floor. In the past few years of us living alone with Tamara, she rarely has one. It's either she knew something that would hurt real bad or she got verbally abused.

Which I think is both.

And I have one person in mind who might've triggered it.

The door swung open to reveal my witch stepmother and stepsiblings.

"Out, Paula." I hissed but she gave me a smug smile and laughed. "Oh dearest Candice. Of course I care for your sister."

I pushed the nurse button and Paula scoffed. "Oh, don't be silly! As if they'll listen to a child like you!" She chuckled and a nurse came to view.

"What seems to be the problem, ma'am?" The nurse asked.

Before Paula could speak, I beat her to it.

"She just barged in the room. She might wake up my resting sister. Can you escort her out and let her stay away from her?' I asked and the nurse nodded.

"Yes, ma'am."

Paula's jaw dropped and she resisted on being touched by the nurse. "Ew! Don't touch me!" She exclaimed.

"Ma'am, if you keep resisting, I'll have to call security to get you out."

"Why are you listening to her?!" She pointed at me with gritted teeth.

Joanna's eyes opened from the commotion but she closed it when she heard the witch.

"I'll get you back on this, Brooklyn!!" She disappeared but my step siblings were still here.

"Is she okay?" Hannah asked, sympathetically while holding her little brother. "I don't know. Joanna, you can open your eyes now." I lifted Hannah and she sat on the bed while little Michael was on my lap.

Joanna's eyes opened and I saw a tear running down. "What happened?" I asked, as gentle as possible.

"She threw my music box and said it was ugly. That was my favorite memory from mom." She stared at the ceiling and my fists clenched.

Hannah hugged Joanna and Michael, who's 2 years old, climbed up the bed and silently hugged my sister.

Paula's a witch and all but I'm thankful her children didn't acquire that trait.

"Dad rushed me to the hospital and told her to leave. He practically wanted to rip her eyelash off." She sat up and leaned on the wall, carrying Michael.

"He wants to file a divorce with Paula."

I scrunched my face and her words were sinking in.

"Like no relationship already? Or just a cool off?" I reassured and Joanna rolled her eyes. "You're stupid. You know that, right?" She said and Hannah giggled.

I smiled and sighed. Maybe it's not that bad.


"PAULO! HIJO!" The director shouted here and there, like the one he's talking to is on the other side of the mountain.

Talk about oblivious.

I'm in the set of Beats Up while Joanna was filming for her own music video for her new single.

Weeks passed and we were doing fine.


Well, the Hispanic roots of the director is going out of hand sometimes. It's scary.

"Yes, Mr Francisco?" I asked, as politely as I could get. He was bossing around for an hour and we couldn't get anything done. The scene that was on the script was just for Bryan, my love interest to plan how to ask me out for prom but a new kid beating him to it.

New kid; meaning a guest star.

I wonder who it is, though..

But before Mr Franco would scream at my face, Johnny tapped his shoulders and said he'd be the one to manage this episode, which Mr Hispanic agreed upon.

"Okay, kiddo. You just act like you're going to shove your books in your locker and turn around to see the new kid. Yeah?" I nodded.

"Action!" He shouted and the bell rang.

"I heard there's a new kid! I heard he's a senior!" Some girl squealed behind me and the camera pointed to me.

I opened my locker to reveal baby pictures of Bryan, and me drooling.

"OMG! It's him!" Another girl shrieked.

I was about to turn around and scream at her, to reveal my one and only, ex-boyfriend.

"YOU?" I raised my voice and he smirked.

"Hello there Candice."

SUCKISH. I know hahaha

But who might be the guy?

If you're a re-reader, you definitely know who it is, rigggght?

Anyways, posting in a few. (: THANK YOU FOR ERTHANG!!!

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