Chapter 20 - Fishy

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Chapter 20 - Fishy

The whole day was consisted of me swooning over a godly figure and ignoring Isac. "Como aprendiste Español?" he asked how I learned Spanish. "Del Señor Allan." I said and he gave me one of those smiles that'll make you melt.

I legit felt like I was in heaven.

But sadly, his phone rang and he excused himself, making me frown inside.

"Can you notice me now?" Isac asked before sitting down beside me on the grass and I giggled. "It's hard since he's the only one I'm noticing if he's talking to me. Sorry." He frowned and poked my sides. "Hey! That hurt!" I rubbed my sides, making me glare at him.

I'd love to make him bold if he does that one more time.

We were having a poke battle until Abraham approached us. "Hey Isac!" he gave the smug smile thay he had, making me want to buy his deathbed at the moment.

I hate him so much. With all the hairs on my head.

But of course, Isac doesn't know our past and he's idolizing over him. Since he does want to work with him.

He did a handshake with Mateo. "Nice seeing you here." Abraham shook his hand and glanced at me for a split second before setting his gaze on Isac.

They talked and I sat on the grass with a scowl on my face. Of course, having to see him makes my blood boil.

Especially with Isac. I mean, hey! We aren't dating or anything but in the eyes of the media, we legit are dating.

Who wouldn't believe it, though? We already dropped a lot of hints already.

Manu sat beside me and noticed the emotion plastered all over my face. "He's kinda your ex, huh?" My saliva got caught in my throat and I choked. "Qué?" I asked. "It's written all over your face. I know." my eyes widened and stared at him. "How?" He looked at Abraham and back to me. "We're friends. He told me."

I just looked dumbfounded the whole time and my jaw dropped.

Well, there wasn't an us but you get the point!

"Don't worry. It's safe with me." He gave me a reassuring smile while anxiety ate me up.

"Next scene! A walk in the streets and a date in the cafe!"

Manu helped me up and somehow made my scowl turn into a smile. "Don't let it get to you." He adviced. I nodded and we went to the streets. Manu sat on the chair in the cafe while I was on the other side of the street. "Action!"

I lip synced the song while walking. It's still a cliché move.

"How do you mend this? Tell me please."

"Cut! Candice! Sit on the other table across Manu!" Joseph said and I walked awkwardly to the cafe.

From the corner of my eye, Isac and Abraham were still talking.

Open your eyes Isac! Darnit. Can't he feel my glares?!

I sat on the bean bag inside and Paula handed me the frappe. "Thanks Pau." she smiled and went behind the camera. "Manu, order at the counter." he did what he was asked and Allan shouted. "Action!"

"People tell me to let you go,

but I'm finding who can teach me how to."

I stood up and Manu purposely spilled his drink all over my shirt. I gasped but when I saw his face, you know what happened.

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