Chapter 12 - Stupid Cupid

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Chapter 12 - Stupid Cupid

"Stop eating! You've been sulking on the couch half day! Mr Allen wants you at the studio by 4 so get your lazy butt off and get ready!" Joanna tried getting me to stand up for the nth time while I was just glued to the couch.

Tough luck. I'm in a serious relationship with it, sis.

"Candice!" She pulled my leg but I wouldn't budge.

"Whatever!" She raised her hands up in surrender and left me, still frowning on the couch.

Maybe she left me alone..

Or maybe appear with something weird?

But anyways...

I decided to stay up all night and came across something I didn't like to see.

It was media flipping about Isac, a girl named Rhea and me.

Who is this girl?

I opened an article and regretted it.

ISAC AND RHEA getting cozy last night at the MTV Fess Up series! The boy couldn't stop blushing while getting interviewed by Rhea! OMG! Are they dating? Opinions? Comment below!

I felt a pang of pain in my chest when I read it.


Seriously, some people just don't know what to say!

You're just jealous.

Am not!

Are too!

Am not!

While I was having inner war with myself, it was probably best to listen to my sister.

Even if showers are arseholes because it keeps you isolated and you're forced to think. Probably not a good idea but I have a good hygiene, you know.

I got up the couch but I saw Joanna with a frying pan on her hand.

"Uh-oh." I mumbled and she ran after me like a cave woman.


"YADADADA HALUUUUU!" I ran to the bathroom and locked it, breathing heavily.

My sister's half-human and half-ape.

She hasn't 'evolved' yet.


"So, the last one, you harmonize the part where.."

My producer blabbed and I just nodded, not really listening to anything he's saying.

Is this really what I want? I mean, being awake is fun and all but sleep is good. I should strive for more great things. I don't need 8-10 hours of sleep. Why not 11? Why not 12? Strive for it, Candice!

"DI! Are you listening?" Tamara shouted on the mic, making me fall off the stool and hitting my head on the mic stand.

"Owww!" I rubbed my head and sloppily made my way to sit on the stool, once again. "C'mon Candice. We only got 30 minutes before we go to Iggi's."

My eye twitched and I sat down.

Really? I'm going to two destinations in one night? NAH-UH!

Well, if it's going to be in a rooftop, then everything's aight..

"Yes, Candice. It'll be in a rooftop."

Did I say that out loud?

"Uh-huh, kiddo."

Screw my life.

I drank water and cleared my throat, gesturing Boris to play the soundtrack.

"Don't fall for the nice guy,
You'll never know what's in store.
Leave you without saying, he might.
But be the nice girl, don't be with the nice guy."

I wrote the song when I went to camp a year ago. It was an event that the management did for their talents.

That's where I met Abraham.

The camp was to immerse yourself. You'd go to rural areas and teach kids who were less fortunate. It was hard but I was glad.

After the day past, the night came. I'm obssessed with the night and there was no denying that I was dancing along to the beat when we had the Immersion Party.

It was a series of fun until my co-talents sang 12:51 by Ericka and Krissy.

That time, me and Abraham had an 'unofficial' thing going on. Unofficial, meaning we both confessed we love each other but we couldn't be together due to certain circumstances called timing. We never got together. And because he had a fling with some other girl.

In the middle of the song, I messaged him saying 'the song is dedicated for you'

He replied saying 'bleh' with a kissy face.

But things were different back then. I convinced myself both of us moved on and we were just friends.

But that night, I was wrong and right at the same time.

It was 8:37 in the evening and I went to the general area since boys and girls were separated to avoid that from happening.

I went to the  water refill station but didn't expect him to be there.

Since I'm just a girl who's foolish, I had butterflies in my stomach. I ended up going near him, teasing him about the song that reminded the both of us, the situation we had before.

But he pulled me close and asked "You want a hug?"

I was stupid to agree. But it made me happy.

The next thing that happened in a span of two hours, I was in the same spot, but his lips were on my temple, and his hand was intertwined with mine.

In the morning, I realized I haven't moved on. Just not yet.

That same day, he said he didn't remember anything. And it was the biggest mistake to agree meeting with him. I haven't moved on from that moment.

But, I'm hoping, the someday; my tears will be confetti, not the product of my foolishness.

Hi guys. This chapter wasn't how I planned but for this week, I went to camp and I just had my first real love to kiss me on the temple but at the same time, I had my first heartbreak.

Sorry for not updating though and sorry if you didn't like this. But, I just had to take this off my chest.

For all of you out there, be careful if you fall inlove with the nice guy. You'll never know how devastated you'll be. I'll never know how to move on. But, acknowledge your feelings and accept them. It's okay to love, because you were made out of love.

To those who are heartbroken and reading this, we might not know. But DON'T ever close your heart because of that.

I love you guys. I mean it. Whatever you're going to, it's going to be okay.

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