Chapter 6 - No Idea

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Chapter 6 - No Idea

I groaned in frustration and sat up my bed.
It's so boring! Ever since Isac left early to record, he never bothered to bring me along!

Maybe because you were dead tired from last night?

Shut up, inner voice.

My eyes wandered around the room and I saw my t-shirt dress hanging around. "You know what, I'm going out!" I stood up and took a quick shower before slipping on the dress.

If I'm going to be stuck here the whole day, might as well do something productive.

I got out of the room and saw Peter, my bodyguard, looking bored as ever. "Wanna go shopping?" he whipped his head to my direction and shook his head. "I don't know the streets here..."

Right. We're in Finland.

"You're unbelievable!" I heard a familiar voice scream, followed by a slam of a door.

"Janelle?" I asked and she looked at me. "Candice! Thank god, someone here is not annoying like my brother, Robin!"

I looked at her in horror and blinked fast. She gave me a worried look. "What's wrong?" she asked. "R-Robin's your.. B-Brother?" I stuttered and she laughed. "Trust me, it's not that fancy." I nodded slowly and there was an awkward silence surrounding us before I spoke up.

"How 'bout let's go shopping?" I asked and her face lit up. "OF COURSE!" she shrieked, making me jump. "Alright! Alright!" I giggled and looked at Peter. "Can I go with her?" I asked and he nodded. "Have fun, kiddo. Be careful, though."

We were in the mall and only a few recognized us, which is fairly good enough. Me and Janelle walked in every store possible but I dragged her to a men's shop. "We're in the men's section..." she told me, off-guard.

"I know." I picked out two hoodies; one for me and one for her.

When I usually look for hoodies, I ALWAYS go to the men's section. There's just something about guy jackets that I like so much.

Maybe it's because of an enveloping hug? I don't really know.

I paid and asked for two separate bags, before handing it to Janelle. "You're a lifesaver! I'm definitely going to buy sweatshirts here." she smiled.

Janelle and I walked out of the store but my phone rang.

Peter The Baedyguard

"Baedyguard? Really?" she peeked on my phone and I joined her, laughing. "I can't help it!"

"Hello?" I answered. "Mr Elliot wants you to go to the studio in Norway."

"He's in what?" I asked, almost shouting. "He's in Norway, recording." He repeated. "I heard you the first time, Petes. But, why does he want me there? I mean, he did leave me alone this morning-" Before I could rant, he cut me off. "We're picking you up."

I sighed and gave Janelle an apologetic look. "They want me to go to Norway. I don't like." I shook my head and she laughed. "Then go!" she forced me.

"But I don't want to leave our girl time! Who will pick you up?" I asked, worried. "Chill out, Di. I have a driver waiting for me outside. I'll be fine." she convinced.

"Plus, we can do it again sometime." she added and I grinned. "Promise?"


"Tamara? Where the heck are you?" I fumed on the phone. Maybe it's my fault for not looking for her this morning, but still! "I'm with Mr G in Norway. Since you were fast asleep this morning, I told Peter to bring you here when it's already noon."

I glared at Peter and his eyes widened, raising both of his arms, surrendering. "Why do I have to go?" I asked.

"They're looking for a rapper. Since you know a lot of them.."

"Okay! Okay! I'm in the car already" I hung up and glared at Peter, once more. "You win, Candice."

I sighed in defeat.

Isac, you have no idea what you put me in.

Very short like my height.

So, I'm just going to share to you guys. Ever since I was a freshman, I was tall af like. maybe 4'12?? Sopho year, I finally reached 5'0! LIKE YAS.

But when junior year came around, I got fcked up when i saw that I FRICKEN SHRUNK LIKE WHAT THE HECK??! IS THAT POSSIBLE???

Okay enough with my banter. lol. more to come!

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