Chapter 23 - Fate the Meanie

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"Can I stay at the cottage tomorrow? I'm going to collapse any minute." I said as we went in the limousine to grab breakfast before going to the shooting of Isac. "Okay, since I do understand you're really tired."


"Thanks." I muttered and leaned back on my seat.

"So, Candice. I was wondering. How'd you get famous?" Truman asked.

I blushed when he asked why I was famous. I'm not, though..

"Uhm.. I-I'm not known. But I was a background dancer at Disney and got picked out of the bunch and here I am." I said.

I saw Isac frown deep beside me. "What's wrong?" Truman asked.

"My family's disappointed because I didn't visit them when I was at Finland. They're coming here next Tuesday."

"There's nothing wrong about that." I said bluntly.

He looked at me and sighed. "They want to meet you."

I don't know what's awkward. The fact that he's talking to me while he said I should run away, or talking to him when I want him to face me and tell me what he meant.


I was in the cottage while Isac was miles away from here. My bodyguards were outside the door while I was inside, sleeping my arse off.

My thoughts keep drifting to what Isac said.

His family wants to meet me.

Like? WTH?

I'm not even together for real with that fool!

"Candice! Someone's here to see you!" Turner shouted. "Tell them to come back!" I shouted.

The door opened and I sat up the couch.

What in the hell?

"Abraham? How did you know-? Oh. Nevermind." I stopped talking as soon as I realized he has been here before. "Isac is not here so I'm going to crash. Is that okay?"

I scoffed. "We're in Spain, dumbass. Go home!" I flopped down the couch while Abraham invaded the pantry. "Don't get my Nutella and bread! Get out of here!" I said and threw a pillow.

Seeing him here makes me fume even more. I walked out because of him and HE HAS THE GUTS TO GO HERE?!

"Like I'd do that." He said in a duh tone.

Well, he does know I go cray cray when someone eats my stuff since I did it to him before.

I closed my eyes but I felt his presence at the other side of the couch.

"Candice. Let's talk." He said but I turned to the other side and faced the cushion. "You can't run away from this, you know." He said and I gave up.

He was right. I can't. No matter how hard I tried to forget him, I just couldn't do it. Forgetting him was hard, but moving on was easy. With all of the memories I had with him, and to the point where I knew deep down he didn't even feel the same.

"Candice. I won't leave until we talk." He argued and I felt a pang in my chest.

I wish he did that before.

"We're already talking, dumbass." I muttered the latter and sat on the couch with my arms crossed.

Abraham looked at me sharply, making my cheeks burn.

He always gave me this weird feeling in my stomach. No matter the place and time. I loved it, but now I loathed it.

"Why did you suddenly leave yesterday? I know we aren't in different terms, but hey! I didn't know you were that rude."

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