Chapter 11 - Come Again? (ISAC'S POV)

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Chapter 11 - Come Again?

Isac's POV

"Favorite food?" Rhea asked.

"Hmm.. Pizza, Burgers & Thai food." I said, holding the mic.

I was at MTV, getting asked by Rhea Hallen, another Finnish pop singer, about me.

Well, I do like talking about myself so...

"Where'd you take a girl in your first date? Fancy places or?" She smiled and I blushed.

Rhea's pretty and all. Ever since I saw her at the Emma Gaala Awards.

"Uhhh.." I ran a hand through my hair, getting nervous by the minute because of this girl.

"Well, before, I want to take a girl to fancy restaurants but I guess we couldn't do anything there. Probably anything that she likes." I smiled and looked down.

Rhea giggled and my smile was shy already.

"Okay, so who's your celebrity crush?"

Now, my face dropped.

I chuckled nervously and thankfully, the producer mouthed to have a small break.

"Before any of that, MTV Fess Up will be back."

She does her job so well. No wonder I harbor a small crush on her!

"So, who is your celebrity crush, Isac?' She turned to me while turning off the mic and placing it on the table.

"Well, Zara Larsson counts, right?" She laughed and shook her head. "Someone your age?" She gathered all her hair on one side of her neck, which is hella attractive.

But before I could tell her she was my crush, a familiar voice was aired on the television.

"BRYAN!" She said pointing to a familiar guy while falling backwards but her friend catching her.

"Can you chill out, Isabela? He's just drinking from the water fountain and you're already fainting." Her friend dragged her to the lockers and let her sit there, while her mouth was still wide open.

Another scene was next and my blood boiled. I have no idea why.
"I heard there's a new kid! I heard he's a senior!" A blonde girl squealed behind her while she opened her locker, containing pictures of Vencis Paul in it.

Why do I have this small pain in my chest?

"OMG! It's him!" The girl beside the blonde fainted and the television showed a pissed off Candice.

She was about to turn around and ready scream at her and the thrill was there. A guy was behind her but I couldn't decipher who it was.

She better not like him.

"Candice Brooklyn as Isabela Quinez." She looked really pretty even with paint scattered all over her body. Wow.

I didn't care about the other casts. The last thing I heard was to catch their new series and before I knew it, we were on air already and I turned to see at a sad Rhea, looking at me.

"We're aired!" And Rhea quickly switched to a sad, depressed one to a masked happy person.

Yikes. Candice isn't like that.. I think..

"So, who is the lucky girl?"

Gone was the butterflies I felt for the girl infront of me. It was time to stick to Chris' and Tamara's plan.

"Candice. Candice Brooklyn." I smiled and for a second, I saw hurt in Rhea's eyes and it disappeared.



I got to the studio and my sister bombarded me with shrills, screams, unexpected hits and of course, a series of 'I knew it'.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!!" She held my shoulders and shook me, violently. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Ava screamed once again.

I'm used to her loud self but not a crazy witch who just killed Snow White.

She mad af.

"Ava. Calm down." She accompanied me here because she knows what's up.

"Ey, Isac. C'mere for a sec." Chris, my manager, or Mr Grumpy pants, as Candice likes to call it.

I shushed my sister and ordered her to stay at the couch.

"I did what you asked me to do."

He shut the recording room closed and sat on the chair while I sat on the couch.

"Didn't expect you to do it though. You see, you did it because you were overly happy or you were jealous. Maybe both?" He quirked an eyebrow and I shook my head. "I dunno. You tell me." My lips were in a thin line already.

"We go to New York tomorrow. Talked to your parents already and it was okay for them."

I nodded, confused on what he was pertaining to his last sentence. They didn't mind me traveling all the time.

"Okay for them for you and Candice to have a fake relationship."

I blinked rapidly and my mouth opened to speak but nothing came out.

My brain tried to sink in what I've just been told and I scrunched my nose.

"Come again?"

Chris chuckled and while shaking his head. "On simple vocabulary, my boy; you and Candice, together-" He showed to fingers sticking together "-and this." He made a heart-shape with his hands and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, right." It was my turn to laugh but Chris glared, in return.

I gave him a weird look and scratched my head. "What?"

Chris sighed and licked the side of his inner mouth. "I know what you feel for the girl, Isac."

I cleared my throat awkwardly and shifted my sitting position.

I don't know who the girl is.

"What do you mean?"

He smiled and leaned forward.

"That's for you to find out." He stood up and patted my back, before leaving the room and me, speechless.

What the hell?


I was at the airport already. Fans came and waited for me to board.

I love them to bits.

"Isac? Can we take a picture? I'm Olive!" A fan, who's about 8, came up to me. She was cute as a button.

"Sure, Olive." I smiled and knelt down, kissing her cheek and her mom taking a photo of us. "Thank you!" She showed her pearly whites and her two front tooth missing.

She was the cutest, nonetheless.

"Flight for Truman Company; boarding." The PA blared and my fans bid me goodbye. "Love you!" I waved and smiled to everyone, waving back at me.

I'll see my strawberry shortcake in a while.

TOLD YOU IT WAS GONNA BE WORTH IT. HA! Isac's POV was fun to make! Definitely posting a lot of his point of view and a lot of bonus parts!



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Love you my gorg readers!

(shameless shoutout lmao)

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