Chapter 18 - Almost Is Never Enough

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Chapter 18 - Almost Is Never Enough

"I don't want to! It's cold!" I defended. "Boo, you're being a killjoy! Come on! It can't be that bad." So he's becoming more of my sister.

A sadist. A freakin' sadist.

"Cold. No." I pointed to the glistening water.

"You leave me no choice." Isac muttered lowly. "What are you gonna do?" As he came closer, I stepped backwards.

Uh oh.


Isac ran after me but since he's fast, he scooped me off the ground and ran to the water. "Put me down!" I commanded but he wasn't listening.

The water was getting deeper and deeper while I was getting nervous, each second passing.

I will totally burn his colorful socks.

Waist level and he dropped me but I dragged him underwater. His felt his arms wrap around my waists and pulled me closer.

"I did not expect that." He said as we stood up. "I told you it's cold!" I shivered and he pulled me closer. "Get back!" I shooed him but he chuckled.

His arms were now wrapped around me like I'm a teddy bear. I stopped shivering and breathed slowly.

But hearing Isac's heartbeat is not helping.

Did he ran from a shark, or?

I hugged him back and leaned on his chest. "You're stupid." I spoke.

"A gorgeous stupid." He corrected.

"A conceited one."

"So you're agreeing, I am?" I looked up and he was staring at me. "No."

"Will it change your mind?" I furrowed my eyebrows and retracted my arms from his. "What will?"

He didn't speak but he pulled me closer by the waist and leaned in. His breath brushed against my lips and he smirked. My heart was speeding uncontrollably as I stood there nervously. Isac closed his eyes slowly and I did the same.

"Oy! No swimming in the ocean at this time!" A guy from ashore shouted and we both pulled away from each other.

What was that?


I woke up and took a shower.

After last night on Isac dropping me on the water, I'm planning on how to steal his socks.

Lol, what.

Today's the day that I'm going shopping with him since Olli decided that we should bond a lot.

He has no absolute idea what bonding means to Elliot.

And how the hell will I talk to him without making it in any way less awkward?

I dried myself and wore clean clothes. "Candice! Hurry up! We leave in 10!" Olli shouted. "Hold your horses!" I got out of the shower to see him ready and sitting on the couch.

"Let me wear my shoes." I said and slipped on my Superstar since my Vans are wet and almosy bleached, thanks to the idiot.

"Thinking about me in the shower?" he wiggled his eyebrows while I brushed my hair. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." I shot and he rolled his eyes.

Maybe it's not awkward after all. I'm just assuming.

I dragged him out of the door, revealing the sunrise. "We have 9 minutes to spare." he said behind me as I watched the sun rising.

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