Chapter 13 - Nosy Spree

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Chapter 13 - Nosy Spree


I groaned and put the sheets up my face but someone pulled it. "Hey!" I moaned, rubbing my eyes to see Isac, standing in my room, shirtless.

Well, it's kind of a surprise visit that I longed but didn't expect to see him half naked in my apartment room.

Keep your chill, Candice.

"What?" I pouted and he laughed. "You have to get out of your room. Mr Allan said you've been spacing out lately."

I tensed up. How the?

"C'mon now, cupcake." He pulled the sheets even further and I frowned.

"No." I grabbed my blanket and covered my whole body.

"Seriously, I'm getting hungry. This isn't my house."

I scoffed.

"Tell Mr Grumpy Pants to buy food." I mumbled, closing my eyes. "He says we need to go out."

Go out to date? Hahahahahahahaokayhahahaha.

"Please, cupcake. You love me right?" I could feel him pouting as he said that and I felt secured.

"No, Isac. Let me sleep for 5 more minutes and I'll go with you." I yawned and moaned as I squished more on the bed.

It was 10 in the morning and I remember falling asleep at 12:00 in the morning.

Stupid heartbreaks.

But Isac was here. Maybe he'll keep me company.. I think.

"Please, cupcake? I'll buy you new Yeezy's if you'd go brunch with me."

As soon as I heard buy and Yeezy's, I swear I broke the record of getting up from bed. "Okay! I'm up!" I rubbed my eyes and yawned, stretching my whole body but I felt a breeze on my stomach, making me retract my arms and cover it.

Isac was looking at my stomach.

Perverted imbecile.

He showed off his magazine-worthy smile and scratched the back of his neck. "I'll wait for you outside, shortcake."

"I'm not short!" I defended.

He raised his eyebrows. "How tall are you?" He stepped forward, comparing my midget height to his'. But he was waaaay to close. My personal bubble popped.

I looked up, and he was facing down on me.

I frowned.


But I rememberd I read something in the lines of him, blushing and Rhea.


He chuckled and shook his head. "I'll wait outside." He winked, messed with my hair before going out.



I got ready and wore gray sweatpants, white crop top and black Nike SB's. I put my hair up in a top knot and wore my glasses.

I got to the living room to see Isac on his phone, grinning ear to ear.

Maybe he's talking to Rhea.

I rolled my eyes at the thought but felt pain in my chest.

As he felt my presence, he glanced at me, before turning off his phone and putting it in his pocket. He stood up and went straight to me, making me nervous and hella excited.

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