Chapter 19 - Sweetie Pie

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"Hi Candice." He greeted. He still has that signature smirk plastered on his face. Gone was the genuine smile that I fell inlove with.

I'm such a mess that time. I wish I wasn't the foolish little girl longing love that I wasn't ready for; I thought I was ready; ready to love someone whole-heartedly and giving up everything for them.

But I was wrong. The day I did, I started losing the things that matter to me the very most.

He doesn't look horrifying, though. He just is and there are a thousand reasons why.

Maybe the thought of him being my love interest and kissing him is a horrific idea. "Hi." I flatly said as the director told us what to do.

"Let's do a silhouette first."

Oh dear lord.

"Face each other and lean in but don't close the gap." My hands were just on my sides and his' was already on my waist. "Put your arms around his neck, hija!" Allan said.

The things we do for entertainment is sometimes beneficial, but for my situation, nope. It isn't going to benefit me, even if it's going to offer me a billion dollars. I'd rather live on the streets rather than being with this guy!

"What are they doing?" I heard a familiar voice ask, making me want to do my happy dance. But since I was in a dress, I can't, even if I can.

"Beginning of the video." Joseph, the director said. "Is it really necessary?"

There was a long pause and Joseph spoke up. "Yes."

At the moment he said it was necessary, I wanted to stab him, ASAP but Isac went to me instead.

"Uhm.. Mr..?" He asked the director.

"Senyor Joseph, hijo." I ripped off Abraham's touch on me and Isac slung his arm on my shoulder, while still talking to Joseph and making e commotion nearby from the fans.


"What if my girl over here isn't comfortable? I don't want her to do something she doesn't like, do ya cupcake?" I nodded and I saw Abraham's jaw drop on the floor.
Joseph reddened in embarassment and scratched the back of his neck. "Uhh.. Si, Mr Elliot." He nodded at our direction while I hid a dance that was about to unleash.

The whole shoot was all about cliché lovey dovey music videos you'd see anywhere.

But the only part I liked was I left Abraham because he was a two-sided person, who was nice when there are people around but doesn't give a damn when we're alone.

I have to ask Allan why in need of a silhouette.

Abraham left and the other crew members were fixing up.

The sun was setting and someone covered my eyes. "Hey, I'm enjoying the view." I said and Isac removed it. His arms were resting on my shoulders.


"We're not done yet, remember." I nodded and we went back to the cottage where Isac is carrying my things that I should be carrying. He really thinks of me as a girl who can't handle herself.
Sexist men.

The walk to the cottage was silent and somewhat awkward. My crew was still hanging around the beach and were everywhere.

Tomorrow, Joseph said that I'd dump Abraham and I'd find someone to mend my itsy bitsy heart.

Too late for that.

Did I mention Abraham was my first real love?

Nope? Okay, he is.

We weren't together. But it was an official feeling for the both of us but we didn't have a label.

No one really knew about us except our managers and sibling; parents excluded.

Until now, only Joanna, Tamara and Abraham's manager and sibling. Not a single soul knows but deep inside, I want to shout to the whole world he broke my heart.

But I couldn't. There wasn't an us anyway.

Is it that hard to say it straight in the face that there are no more sparks, fireworks, confetti or whatsoever? No? Why can't boys do it?

"You okay?" Isac asked which snapped me back to reality that everything that we had is done. And now, I'm still left with a scar.
I nodded and we went in the cottage. "You look pale. Do you need medicine?"

"It's alright, Elliot. Don't worry about me. I'm just tired." I told him and he seemed convinced with my lie.

I changed to pj's and went to bed, not wanting flashbacks in my mind.


I was sitting near a tree, reading a book until I heard laughter nearby. My head turned to the direction and my face fell.

Not only because I was acting, but also because, it's just how I felt before. The vulnerable girl who'd always cry for that dumbass.

My eyes watered and I stood up, throwing the book to the side.

"Cut! Pond scene!"

We went to a nearby pond at the park and Evelyn made my eyes swollen with the dripping mascara and eyeliner.

"Action!" Abraham said, holding the thingy and I tried my best not to scoff.

It is still unknown to me who will be the one who will fix diz heart but geez, he better be a god.

I cried near the pond and held my knees. I felt a tap on the shoulder and someone sat beside me.

Holy mother of jawlines.

Insert my crazy fangirl scream.

I smiled which was not part of the script which made Joseph yell "CUT!" the director glared at me, making me widen my eyes.

What? I can't help it!

"Hola, amiga!" He said. "Estoy soñando?" I asked.


"You're not dreaming. But, we have to retake it again." He winked and stood up, leaving me dumbfounded. "Okay, so you moved on with your fangirl phase, let's get this done." Allan said in a Mexican accent, eyeing me to behave.

"Okay then." I mumbled and picked up the book that I threw awhile ago.

It was successful (sort of ) and the whole world was off to me since he's the only one I'm looking at right now. "Hi. Mi nombre es Manu Ríos."

"Candice Brooklyn." I swooned. He chuckled again which made me almost faint but Isac catched me. "You are very weird today."Isac said, putting me back to my feet. He just let me be in my fangirl phase and smiled, while going to the side to probably talk to Chris.

"Sí." Manu agreed to Isac. "Mi madre." I whispered, who is now in heaven, gracias for this heavenly figure in front of me.

"Candice, get a hold of yourself."

Hell no, niño. I got a god to kidnap.


A/N: HAHAHAHHAHAHA okay, I enjoyed writing this. If you don't know who Manu Rios is, LOOK EM UP BC HE IS THE PERF HUMAN BEING OKAY

his ig is @manurios1234 yOURE WELCOME


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