Chapter 2 - Getting To Know Mr Rude

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Chapter 2 - Getting To Know Mr Rude

I ate the sandwich in the limousine, a way a lady shouldn't.

"Chew properly!" Tamara scolded. "Itch choo chasty!" I said. "Don't speak when your mouth is full!" She scolded, again.

Basically, Tamara is like a mother to me since my mom is up there and my father married the demon herself.

I swallowed my food and smiled at her but she wasn't very pleased. I chewed my gum properly since I don't want to be that obnoxious freak.

"Before we go to the studio, you're having a photoshoot with Isac."

"WHAT?!?" I almost choked on my gum and stared at Tamara in disbelief. "You're just going to pose for a magazine. Stop your whining and remove that leather jacket of yours." She said.

I groaned and did what we told of me. If I argue with her, she'd still win anyways.

I hate photoshoots. Why? Because I hate the blinding lights. I tripped and almost damaged everything and everyone was laughing at me.

What a whoops moment for me.

Basically, everyone didn't stop teasing me the whole month and didn't mind if I got pissed.

I fixed my tank top and we got out of the limo.

Bright Lights Studio

Well, the title itself is really quite making me pleased.

Note my massive sarcasm.

Isac and his manager were there when we got in. He was wearing joggers and a tank top with a leather jacket-


I looked at my outfit and stared at the slung jacket of mine on my arm.

So much for a couple.

"This is a coincidence." He said.

Boy, you were an ass yesterday so don't expect me to be all nice to you too.

I flashed him an obvious fake smile and went in the dressers. "Hi deary!" Evelyn, my stylist greeted. "Nothing is dearest here, Ev. Nothing at all." I reminded her and she giggled. "Sweety, that was so last year." She beamed. I nodded and took a seat and she started contouring my face.

"Don't even think of rubbing your eyes, Candice." She warned. I glared at her through the mirror. "C'mon. It's not that bad." I reached out for my right eye and she slapped my hand.

Let me tell you something; everytime she has to do my makeup, this is exactly what happens; I try to rub my eye, she slaps my hand away and annoyingly gives me the clothes I need.

It's a non-ending cycle.

She put laid out a black tutu dress and made me scram to change.

Yep, a never ending cycle.

I looked for the dressing room and reached out for the knob but my hand collided with someone else's.


"You go first." I pointed. "Ladies first." He commented. "Douchebags first." I smiled. "Rude first."

I rolled my eyes and went in the room, clearly annoyed and locked the door.

Way to ruin my mood in a split second.


"Put your arm around her shoulders!" Guerlan, the photographer insisted. "Why?" I asked. "You're in the teen section!" He argued.

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