Chapter 27: Sheffield

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We were in England after I pleaded my dad and Tamara to come let me see the Secondary Schools Cup Championships.

One, I wanted to go because I have a massive crush on someone over there and two, I want to meet them personally.

My feelings were starting to go over the place with Isac and I didn't like it. This is showbiz; nothing lasts forever especially when it comes to relationships. It's either the couple is truly in love or it's a publicity stunt. Mostly what I see is either both.

Isac isn't here right now because he has an interview in Norway. So, I was with Joanna and of course our undercover bodyguards. As expected, the weather was not the best but it could be worst. It was gloomy when we landed and almost looked like it was going to pour. But I couldn't care less. I am here to enjoy my love for rugby and here to see my past love of my life who I had no chance with.

But now? Hell yeah, I'm taking a chance to see him.

No, I won't use fame to get him. That's just wrong. Instead, I promised myself to pay England a visit with the money I saved from all the work I've done. It's only the plane ticket that hindered my chance to see and meet him. Now, it's all coming true.

"Good morning, darling. How are you?" The immigration officer asked while she checked my passport. "I'm good, thank you. I'm just a wee bit cold." I said. She smiled and continued talking to me while instructing that I stand straight and presentable.

"You just look like the girl my son blabbers about every now and then!" She said and I loved everything about her voice and accent. "Aww, that's delightful to hear! Do you mind if I know what the name of your son is?"

Something inside me was telling me that this woman is familiar and could help me on why I came here. Maybe fate is a good player and matchmaker?

"Harrold Peterson. And my lovely young boy is playing for the Championships this weekend!" She was very proud of her son and I felt my heart soar in a million miles.

Little did she know my heart soared a billion miles.

It was her. She's the mother of my supposed "the one that got away".

"I came all the way from America to see your so- to see the Championships!" It was more of the first one actually. But I don't want to let her know that. We need to get to know each other first. And then, win his mother's heart.

She looked as if she wanted to come out of the cubicle she was in and hug me by the look in her place. "I never thought anyone in America fancied rugby. They use this small ball and armour to play. Very weak." The silent war of Europeans against Americans is very smelly all the way in England.

Too bad for me, I love everything about the United Kingdom.

"I agree." I nodded and took my passport from her. "I hope to sit beside you in the game!" She said with hopeful eyes and I beamed. "What team is your son again?"

Heart beating out of my chest.

"Prince William Grammar School!"

Bingo. That's all what I needed to know.

"See you around-" I stopped to look at her name tag. "-Emily."

Should I say, mother-in-law.

"Took you long enough." Joanna rolled her eyes while waiting near the baggage claim. "There are fans outside. They must be delighted that someone's here from America." Joanna picked up her bag while I waited for mine.

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