Chapter 3: The Weakest Assassin and the Strongest Dragon

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Seryu didn't expect that day to end like that. Her house was attacked by Night Raid and dragons at the same time. In a single night, she battled dragons, saved Tatsumi from a Triple Stryke, met the dreaded Akame, and was knocked unconscious by a lioness.

She had been seeing only darkness for a long time, unable to see or hear or speak or move. The redhead feared that she was already dead.

Fortunately, she was wrong. Even though it seemed like it took forever, she felt her eyes start to open, making slits of light appear in her field of vision.

She blinked a few times, feeling her breath come faster. Finally regaining her sight, she now saw herself under the ceiling of her living room. The girl tries to get up, but immediately feels a piercing pain in her head. The cat woman's attack had given her an after-effect.

Seryu: Ow... - She thinks, pulling herself up to a sitting position as she gently rubs her head - Where are daddy and Tatsumi? I hope they managed to escape...

???: I'm glad you woke up. - A male and familiar voice speaks to him.

Stopping rubbing her head, Seryu looks to the side. Sitting in a chair next to the sofa was Tatsumi, with his hands clasped and a calm look on his face.

Tatsumi: I was getting worried about you.

The brunette feels a firm hug wrap around him. Seryu smiles as she hugs him.

Seryu: Tatsumi!! I'm glad that you are well!! I thought that girl from Night Raid killed you!! - She exclaims happily, feeling tears of joy in the corners of her eyes.

Tatsumi: Heh... I'm also happy to see you doing well.

Despite what he said, he didn't return the hug.

Seryu breaks away from him, wiping her tears.

Seryu: Dad was right, you're very strong!

The brunette is uncomfortable with her speech.

Seryu: Where is... where is my father, Tatsumi?

The boy widens his eyes. He'd been waiting for that question, but he hoped she wouldn't ask it.

Tatsumi: Do you remember the Night Raid came for him?

The redhead nods.

Tatsumi: I tried to stop that Akame and the busty blonde, but... it wasn't enough. They said he was their target, and... they killed... him...! - He explains, eyes closed and hands shaking.

Obviously, he didn't want to tell her about the experiments and the fact that he killed Zephyr.

Tatsumi was waiting for any reaction; screams, uncontrolled crying, the redhead mad that he hadn't protected her father, but... there was just silence.

Afraid, he decides to open his eyes. Seryu was paralyzed, her eyes trembling and tears pooling. She finally says something.

Seryu: Tatsumi... You're kidding, right? - She makes a weak smile - Haha...! I know, it's a joke! Where is my father hiding?

Tatsumi feels like he's been punched in the stomach. He sighs heavily.

Tatsumi: Seryu, it's not a joke. I couldn't be more serious. - He explains, with a serious face.

Seryu's smile fades. She falls back onto the couch.

Seryu: Dad... He...

Tatsumi: Seryu... Forgive me... I should have protected him, I should...

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