Chapter 8: Your Past Condemns You | Part II

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Tatsumi: Seryu?!! — He didn't expect to see his old friend there.

The girl turns her head, smiling heartily at the assassin.

Seryu: I'm glad you're alive!

The boy is surprised by her kindness, but then feels guilty when he remembers what he did to Ubiquitous's father.

She looks straight ahead again, her serious face returning.

Seryu: Hold on just a little longer! I'll deal with him, and then i'll tend to your wounds! — She comforts him, drawing her sword.

Zank was surprised, but then he smiled, getting up. With his strength, he breaks the ropes of the net that bound him like a string.

Zank: Hm… "Seryu"? You must be Seryu Ubiquitous! They talk about you a lot around here! You are one of the most competent and talented police officers!

Seryu: I've also heard a lot about you. — She says, pointing her sword at the blonde — You are one of the most cruel and repulsive criminals!

Zank: X-ray vision!  — He thinks, the Spectator's eye opening.

He starts scanning Seryu's form underneath her clothes (That sounded so wrong…!), looking for any hidden weapons.

Zank: Um... She doesn't have any weapons other than these capture nets.

Tatsumi: Watch out, Seryu... — The killer warns, while leaning against a nearby wall — He can read your mind and predict your movements! It's the power of the Imperial Arm on his forehead!

Seryu: Got it! Thanks for the warning!

She goes to Koro's side, who remained giant, looking fiercely at Zank.

Seryu: But there's no point in predicting movements if he can't anticipate them. Koro!!!  Roar!!!

 [Insert this soundtrack: Hulk Smash — Craig Armstrong]

Obeying the command, Koro opens his jaws and lets out a sonic roar, which sends Zank back a little, covering his ears due to the altitude of the rumbling sound. Tatsumi, who already knew this power, had covered his ears in readiness.

Koro stops roaring. Zank shakes his head, seeing Seryu thrust her sword towards him. He uses his blade to block the redhead's weapon, just in time to avoid being hit.

The two begin a blade clash. Several sparks came out of Seryu's sword and Zank's blades. She tries to punch the villain, but is blocked by his arm. The blonde decapitator tries to pierce Seryu's chest with the blade, but she dodges and, with a sword strike, breaks Zank's left blade in a single movement, leaving the latter surprised.

The girl leans back, putting her hands on the floor. She lifts her legs, landing a double kick that Zank at first thought was pointless. But to his surprise, Seryu was stronger than he looked, and that kick made the villain be pushed back.

Zank: What incredible skills… — He thinks, planting his feet on the ground — She must have already been through several battles, and she's as fast as that boy! She must have trained a lot, because her strength is quite notorious!

Tatsumi watched intently, still leaning against the wall.

Tatsumi: So, that's what it is… a fight between users of Imperial Arms… — He comments, remembering Akame telling him that, in this type of fight, only one comes out alive.

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