Chapter 26: The Journey of a Thousand Miles

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Tatsumi was tired, worn out and practically immobile, plunged into endless darkness. The boy didn't remember much, just flying with Indra after defeating the Red Death and then being hit by her club.

Walking through the seemingly endless darkness, he spots something small. It was something white and shiny... certainly a light.

Although he had heard the phrase "Don't go into the light" several times during his life, he couldn't resist his curiosity and walked towards the bright spot, which grew bigger with every step he took.

When the light gets bigger, the boy can see two silhouettes in it. Somehow they looked familiar. One was of a slender woman with long hair. The other was that of a tall and robust man, with a rather peculiar topknot.

Those silhouettes... they even looked...

Tatsumi: Sheele? - He asks, widening his eyes - Aniki?

Ceasing the rhythm of his steps, the boy stares at his two deceased companions, who look at him with a smile, still in the middle of the light, while he remains standing in the pitch black.

Sheele: Hi, Tatsumi... - Says the ex-wielder of Ecstasy, with her characteristic gentle way.

The brunette doesn't answer; he was in shock.

Tatsumi: H-H-How can it be?! *surprised gasp* I died?!

Bulat: Haha! No, not yet! - He says good-naturedly, approaching his friend and putting his hand on his shoulder - You just lost consciousness!

The boy looks into the black eyes of the former Incursion wielder, who looked content.

Tatsumi: I-I... I don't even know what to say, guys...

Bulat: I guess we can talk first then. Starting with: We are proud.

Tatsumi: Huh? - He gets confused.

Sheele: You've grown a lot since the last time I saw you. - Says the woman with glasses, approaching too.

Tatsumi: Was... Was i really?

[Insert this soundtrack: Once There Were Dragons - John Powell]

Sheele: You were really down when you said you wouldn't see your friends anymore, but afterwards, you kept training so hard, you got more confident, and... - She pauses, getting a little sad - ...When I left, you made up your mind to get even stronger so as not to make Akame suffer, and you were a good shoulder to lean on her.

She bows slightly to him.

Sheele: Thanks for comforting Akame.

Bulat: Not to mention how much stronger you've gotten! - Says the man, calling the younger's attention - You're certainly adapting well to Incursio, in addition to your skills improving a lot!

The teenager is quite surprised by his friends' compliments.

Bulat: We're proud, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Proud...? B-But... Aren't you guys... upset at me for being friends with a dragon?

Bulat: You mean Indra? - He asks, arching an eyebrow - Ha, ha, ha!! Why would we be upset? Sure, it's pretty surprising, but in a good way! That little being has shown more than once that he cares about you!

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