Chapter 10: Tests and Achievements

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(Credits of the cover's artist for Ruby--Art, from DeviantArt.)


[Night Raid hideout territory; clearing]

Indra, the disabled Night Fury, rested peacefully in the clearing in the morning. There wasn't much to do there, really. Without being able to fly, all he could do there was walk, eat fish and drink water from the lake.

His situation wasn't the best it could be, but it could be worse.

At the moment, what the green-eyed dragon wanted was to rest peacefully. Well, that is until he heard a very familiar voice.

Tatsumi: Indra?!

The boy calls the dragon by the name he gave it aloud as it enters the clearing. The killer carried a fishing basket on his back while carrying something made of leather and/or fabric under his arm.

Indra wakes up from his sleep. Tatsumi approaches him, depositing the fishing basket on the ground.

Tatsumi: I have breakfast prepared for you!

Saying that, the country boy kicks the basket, causing several fish to come out of the container, which makes the reptile with fangs and claws perk up.

Tatsumi: They're brand new. What about?

Indra carefully approaches the fish. He opens his mouth to try to eat the sea animals, but then closes his mouth and growls at the basket.

Tatsumi: Hey, hey! What's up, dude? - Obviously, the boy found the dragon's attitude strange.

Looking at the pile of meat, the brunette noticed an eel among the fish, and that was what seemed to be causing the Night Fury's nervousness.

Then the young man catches the eel. Testing it, he spreads out the marine reptile in front of Indra, who throws back his head and roars with teeth bared as he spreads his wings, looking terrified just to be near the eel.

It looked like Indra was going to shoot plasma, but Tatsumi acts promptly and throws the legless reptile away, raising his hands to show that he was no longer with him.

Tatsumi: Hey, calm down! Everything's fine! It's not here! - The dragon relaxes with the absence of the eel - Yeah, understandable. I'm not a eel's fan, too.

Now calm, the nocturnal animal begins to feed on the fish, content with its food.

Tatsumi: That's right. Enjoy your dinner... - He says, walking discreetly behind the dragon, where his tail was - ...And I'll stay back here... Minding my own business.

Then he goes to Indra's tail, opening the contraption he carried on his arm. The teenager tries to fit the prosthesis onto the animal's tail, but the quadrupedal predator moves its tail to the side, even though it doesn't know what Tatsumi was trying to do. The killer tries again to dock, but the tail keeps moving all over the place. Looking at Indra, the boy realizes that the disabled reptile was just eating quietly.

Tatsumi: Sometimes he really looks like a cat!

Finally, losing patience, Tatsumi turns around and mounts Indra's tail, grabbing the tip so he can fit the prosthesis.

On the other hand, Indra, who was still eating his meal of fish, abruptly stops his meal when he feels something on his tail. He narrows his eyes, before opening them when he feels something that cheers him up: His tail was complete.

The dragon spreads its wings slowly, while the assassin, who was still on his tail, admired his work.

Tatsumi: Yeah! Until it's good!

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