Chapter 20: In Enemy Territory; Part III: Tatsumi's Escape

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[Several hours later; Fake Mount]

Tatsumi and Wave were on the east side of the mountain, walking uphill. The young Incursio wielder was at the front while the Jaeger from the interior was close behind.

Wave: I know all the danger beasts and dragons that live in the sea... But I have no idea what the mountain creatures are like.

Tatsumi: Since most of them use camouflage and attack by surprise, you have to be very careful on the way.

Wave: Right!

The boy is crestfallen with memories coming to light.

[Insert this soundtrack: Sacred Pool Of Tears - Hans Zimmer]

Tatsumi: I can't help it... Coming here... reminds me of aniki. - Thinks the assassin with green eyes, remembering his training with Bulat in the mountains.

Wave: But, you know... - The other boy turns to look at the blue haired man - ...I wonder why you didn't say it when you were in the palace... But you seem to be pretty annoyed, especially with Seryu. If you need someone to talk to, I'm a good listener.

Tatsumi: Ah, thank you! But... it's okay. - He looks ahead with a sarcastic expression - I'm used to being treated like I don't know anything.

Wave: I kind of understand. Because in a way... - He smiles - ...You remind me of myself!

Tatsumi: Yourself? How do I remind you of?

Wave: Hm... How can I explain...?

He being crestfallen, with a depressive aura around him.

Wave: I think we've been through similar problems or will end up through them... -He mutters, remembering his "eccentric" teammates, to put it mildly.

Tatsumi: Oh, okay, I get it! I kind of understand without needing an explanation! - Says the boy with the emerald eyes, realizing that Wave goes through difficulties dealing with the Jaegers, in the same way that Tatsumi goes through dealing with the Night Raid members.

Tatsumi: Oh, okay, I get it! I kind of understand without needing an explanation! - Says the boy with the emerald eyes, realizing that Wave goes through difficulties dealing with the Jaegers, in the same way that Tatsumi goes through dealing with ...

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Wave: Well, I think we're going to get along fine.

[End of soundtrack]

However, Tatsumi stops walking abruptly. He turns, looking at Wave with a serious expression. He draws the sword of Incursio little by little.

Wave: Um... Tatsumi?

The Night Raid freshman jumps with his sword in hand, scaring the young man with blue eyes. However, the brown-haired assassin wasn't aiming at the sailor Jaeger, but at a monster tree that had appeared behind him.

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