Chapter 35: Help of the Flames

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Tatsumi was speechless at the story told by Atsuko. Her being frowned upon as a child, the loss of her entire village, including her own father... He simply didn't expect her to have gone through all that.

The brunette and the Night Fury beside her noticed that the general's eyes were a little moist.

Tatsumi: I... I'm sorry for you, Atsuko. No one should have to go through this.

Atsuko: No problem. It's in the past. — She assures him, smiling as she wipes away a tear with her finger.

Tatsumi: You mean you survived all this time alone?!

Atsuko: Until we were fifteen, we survived in the wild, hunting danger beasts. Unfortunately, they started to become scarce, so nee-chan came up with the idea of ​​enlisting in the imperial army.

She holds her cap, looking at the cross symbol on it, formerly the symbol of her clan.

Atsuko: Still young, we stood out a lot for our skills, along with others who also became generals, like Rokugou, Najenda and... Hugo. — She says, remembering these old friends.

The protagonist duo notices a gleam of longing in the woman's eyes.

Atsuko: Since we were very strong, the minister gave us the offer to become generals. Nee-chan was fascinated by the idea of ​​taking armies to the battlefield and experiencing as many fights as she wanted. I, seeing and admiring the former general Hugo, became fascinated with the idea of ​​protecting the country.

Tatsumi: Doubt... If it's not too much to ask, why did bo... Uh, general Najenda, enlist in the imperial army?

Atsuko: According to what she told me, general Rokugou saved her life when she was young, then decided that she would fight alongside him.

Tatsumi: But you two noticed the rot...

The Ignis carrier nods. 

Until a light comes into the young man's head. How did Esdeath's Imperial Arm work?

Atsuko: Any questions, Tatsumi? — She questions, having noticed his thoughtful look — Anything, I can tell you whatever you want to know. 

Tatsumi: Well, yes I do. What, exactly, is your sister's Arm?

Atsuko: Um... you know that tattoo on her chest?

Tatsumi: Huh... Yes, yes! — He nods, trying his best to avoid blushing at the thought of Esdeath's cleavage. 

Atsuko: It's not a tattoo. It's her Arm.

Tatsumi: Huh?

[Some years ago...]

We are in the Imperial Palace. More specifically, in the Imperial Arms warehouse. Prime Minister Honest monitored the sister generals trying to choose an Imperial Arm compatible with them. Najenda could use Roman Artillery: Pumpkin, very well, so Honest thought it would be a good idea for the blue-haired duo to use Arms too. 

However, the fat man rubbed his chin when he saw that he didn't seem to be doing very well.

Honest: Um... I have prepared so many Imperial Arms, but none seem compatible with you two. 

Esdeath: I liked the size of this axe... — She comments, holding Belvark — But nothing here attracts me.

Meanwhile, Atsuko held a Arm shaped like a mask that looked like an oni's face.

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