Chapter 22: Night Raid vs Stylish | Part I

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Leone wakes up from her sleep, which he fell into due to fatigue and a hangover. She gets up, scratching her head. Lubbock fell asleep face down on the table while Tatsumi wasn't in the room. He had probably gone to his room.

Leone: Before I even realized it, I fell asleep. I bet the others were like that too... - She yawns, before getting up - I think I'll just wash my face up and go to the Capital.

She goes to the bathroom, still groggy from exhaustion.

Leone: Damn sleep... - The thief mutters.

The Lionel bearer kneels on the edge of the tub and prepares to splash some hot water on her face. But she is confused when she sees something hazy below the surface of the water. Curiosity getting the better of her, the brute leans in for a better look. The blonde's golden eyes widen as a sinister face appears in the water below her. The woman from the slums barely had time to react before a tail suddenly shot towards her face. With a wet thud, the stinger at the tip of the tail pierces his forehead, and as the tail withdraws, Leone lands face-first in the water.

???: Ha, ha! I did it, Stylish-sama!!!

One of Stylish's test subjects emerges from the water, revealing itself to be mutated from the Triple Stryke species. His skin was entirely made up of yellow and brown scales, he had spidery pincers for hands, his upper fangs were exposed, he had two large appendages punctuated above his ears, his eyes were red, there were short brown wings on his back and he had three scorpion tails with a stinger at the end, each tail containing a different poison.

Trooma: I, Trooma, finished off one of them! - Says the humanoid mutant - I need to continue my mission!

[Far away...]

Mimi: ...That's what he said, Stylish-sama. - Warns the girl, using her enhanced senses to hear the speech of the mutant that attacked Leone.

Stylish: Good job! As expected from a horse, he headed straight for the enemy's area! Then...

He summons a massive fleet of mutated humans. All contained aspects of the Terrible Terror species. The scales that made up their bodies ranged from green, red, blue, yellow and purple. They had brown horns, fire-like spikes on their backs, long tails, claws, nose horns, and large yellow eyes.

The regular Terrible Terror might look kind of cute, but that army... wasn't cute at all.

Stylish: Team Stylish... LET'S START THIS OPERATION!!! - He orders, a bizarre smile on his face.

With his order, all the "pawns" with the aspect of Terrible Terror fly towards Night Raid's base.

Stylish: Remember!!! - He warns the mutants - Hurt the bodies as little as possible and bring them back to me!!!

Me: Is it really okay? - Asks the mutant looking like a "Yeti dragon", in a position that made him look like a pterosaur - Shouldn't we report to general Esdeath about the bandits?

Stylish: Heh! Night Raid and them Imperial Arms... I can experiment on wonderful material, obviously I want it all to myself!

Stylish: Besides, I don't want to see the captain so worried about that brat... I'm going to find Tatsumi... and play a simple prank... which is to punish him until he dies.

Hana: Is that why you didn't tell Seryu, too? - The footman asks, as he turns to face his boss, his eyes as wide as a bird's.

Stylish: She's not the type to keep secrets from the captain, and besides... - The man lets out a heavy sigh - ...There's something off about her. She's been...different... since that little talk with Tatsumi. I'm afraid that boy influenced her.

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