Chapter 18: In Enemy Territory; Part I: The Training Arena

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[Night Raid Base]

Leone and Lubbock were talking to Akame and Mine to bring bad news.

Akame: Was Tatsumi captured by Esdeath?!! - Questions the scarlet orb swordswoman, slamming her hands on the table.

Leone: When Esdeath went down to give Tatsumi the reward, that crazy woman put a collar around his neck and dragged him... and then knocked him out... - The Lionel user explains, lowering her head and clenching her fists - I'm sorry, Akame, there was nothing I could do to stop her. We were in the middle of a crowd... it would have been a disaster if we tried to rescue Tatsumi.

Akame: *sigh* You don't need to apologize, Leone. You made the right choice. The last thing we need right now is for someone to get hurt when we're already down on people... Besides, Tatsumi would never forgive himself if you got hurt trying to save him.

Leone: Thank you, Akame...

Mine: Did she find out that he is a member of Night Raid?

Mine appeared to be calm, but she was absurdly worried about Tatsumi's safety. Though the other members didn't know it for obvious reasons, she had grown closer to him after that flight with Indra and their discovery of the dragons' nest. Mine saw the kind of person the boy was and he showed her a new insight into dragons, with her realizing that they aren't bad, they just try to survive. The way Tatsumi was kind and selfless also endeared her, though she wouldn't admit it. The last thing she wanted to happen to the swordsman was for him to die at the hands of the Empire.

Lubbock: I don't think... We didn't feel any hostility or bloodlust.

Leone: The only way to know is to see for ourselves.

Mine: But how are we going to do that? - The pink woman's face was firm, but her voice showed concern - We'll never be able to invade the palace. It's full of guards, traps, and there are three superpowered generals there. What do we do, Akame?

The Murasame wielder is silent. Kurome's sister remembers the good times she spent with the green-eyed brunette.

Akame: For now, we'd better head back to our base in the mountains.

Lubbock: And what do we do about Tatsumi? Rescuing him may be impossible!

Akame: I know that what is needed to rescue him is lacking and that acting rashly is not ideal...

She looks at the three of them with sheer determination.

Akame: ...But Tatsumi is our friend! So we'll do what we can for him!

[About that; in the imperial palace]

In a room in the palace, Esdeath gathered the Jaegers to introduce them to the "new member of the group", who was none other than...

...poor Tatsumi, who was still on a leash, tied to a chair. His gaze practically threatened anyone who tried to get close to him.

Esdeath: This is the new member of the Jaegers... - She steps away from the teenager to show him to the group - ...Tatsumi.

All Jaegers are confused, except for Seryu who is shocked.

Bols: You picked up a civilian like that, out of nowhere?

Esdeath: Now, with him working with us, he won't have to live in misery. - She says, as if everything that was happening was something normal - He will be my faithful squire.

Wave: So why is he wearing a leash? - He questions, confused by what he saw.

Esdeath: Because he's my top subordinate, of course! - Explains the woman, lifting her hands nonchalantly - And because I wanted him to be quiet.

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