Chapter 21: Calm Before the Storm

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[Night Raid base; at that night]

Tatsumi was in the meeting room, sitting across from Akame, Leone, Mine and Lubbock. He had told the four of them everything he had learned about the Jaegers. Their personalities, goals, their powers and the Imperial Arms he knew what they were.

Tatsumi: …And I saw their fighting power… with my own eyes! — He finishes, leaving his friends prepared with their future enemies.

Leone: So all them are Imperial Arms users? Sh*t, that's scary!

Akame: So, Kurome is among them too... — She says, head down.

Tatsumi: Why didn't the two of you leave the Empire together?

Akame: When I was dissatisfied, of course I tried to convince her… but Kurome chose to stay. If you asked her… she would definitely call me a traitor.

The boy sighs, saddened by the plight of the sword sisters.

Akame: Tatsumi. Was Kurome eating something frequently?

Tatsumi: Actually, yes! Whenever she could, she was eating candies.

Akame: … I see.

She clenches her fists silently.

Akame: Kurome… As I thought, you're already…

Mine: Akame! — She exclaims, pulling Akame out of her thoughts — I know I've said this before, but still... Even if she's your younger sister, if she attacks us, I'll put a bullet right between her eyes!

Akame: … We must be prepared for when we go to fight her.

Lubbock starts thinking about his opponents' Imperial Arms.

Lubbock: Hmm… It would be great to have more information about their Imperial Arms. Seryu got stronger thanks to the weapons placed on her body. Rubicante is famous, but facing it will be difficult! Ignis is cataloged in the Arms book, but it is very powerful. That thing is already a tough nut to crack naturally, and it only gets worse in the hands of the second strongest general in the Empire!

Mine: Mastema is also in the book.

Lubbock: But we don't know what its trump card is...

Upon hearing about this, curiosity for something settles in Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Oh! By the way, what Imperial Arm does Kurome use?

Akame frowns before answering.

Akame: Yatsufusa: Army of the Dead. — She says, making the boy look horrified — Those she kills with the sword... become her personal zombies. The curse can affect up to eight beings at once. She can also use the abilities her puppets had when they were alive. When control over them is released, they revert to corpses.

Lubbock: Man... That's the last way I would want to die. — The greenette sighs, throwing himself backwards on the sofa — With that, the only Arms left are Grand Chariot and Perfector.

Mine: I'd like us to take care of that doctor first; so I could stick with Perfector.

Leone: Yeah, that Arm seems worth it.

Tatsumi: If that lunatic heard that, I'm sure he'd be quite delighted... — He thinks, rolling his eyes as he imagines the Jaeger scientist's reaction.

Out of complete surprise, Leone embraces Indra's best friend, gluing him to her voluminous breasts.

Leone: Talking about who we're going to beat is cool and all, but I just wanted to say how good it is to have you back, Tatsumi! We missed you!

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