Chapter 19: In Enemy Territory; Part II: The Fate of Esdeath

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[At that night; Esdeath's room]

Tatsumi was nervous, sitting on the edge of Esdeath's bed, the sounds of an open shower filling the room.

Tatsumi: How did things get to this point...?

The young assassin's mind was racing as he tried to think of what to say to the general. Tonight would be his best chance to start convincing Esdeath, he had to at least try to talk to her. However, Tatsumi is brought out of his thoughts when the bathroom door opens.

When the Night Raid boy turns to look at the blue woman, he expects she's dressed in either a robe or, dammit, just a towel. But he hadn't expected her to walk into the room wearing nothing but a white button-up shirt that barely reached below her hips. The woman had left several top buttons of her shirt undone, exposing her upper stomach and cleavage to him. Tatsumi gapes as he stares at the ice-wielding assassin's poorly dressed body, especially her large breasts that look like they're about to pop out of her shirt. Esdeath was very well endowed, almost on par with Leone, and Tatsumi couldn't help but notice that.

 Esdeath was very well endowed, almost on par with Leone, and Tatsumi couldn't help but notice that

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Esdeath: Sorry to keep you waiting. - She says, brushing some still damp hair from her face.

[Insert this soundtrack: Family Dinner - Harry Gregson-Williams]

Tatsumi: N-No need to apologize... - The brunette murmurs, trying to disguise the fact that he was blatantly staring at the general's bust.

Esdeath: Want a drink? - She asks, sitting next to the boy on the bed.

Tatsumi: Ah... It's not necessary!

Esdeath: Are you nervous, Tatsumi? - The woman asks, with a smile.

Tatsumi: Nervous?! Me?! Of course not!

Esdeath: Fufu... You're so weird... - She teases.

Akame's friend takes a deep breath. He had to speak with Esdeath now. It was all or nothing.

Tatsumi: Esdeath... I want to ask you something.

Esdeath: Hm? Sure you can ask.

Tatsumi: I hate the Empire and how it is now. But with so many unsavory things going on here, why do you serve the Empire?

Esdeath: Because the Empire is strong and I only collaborate with the strong. If the weak suffer, they must die; it's the law of nature.

Tatsumi: But the Empire isn't strong! - He exclaims, raising his voice a little - The prime minister manipulates everyone and everything, even the emperor, and hides like a coward while making everyone fight while he enjoys the luxury of the Capital. Real strong people fight their battles head on!

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