Chapter 28: How To Pick Your Dragon | Part I

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[Revolutionary Army Camp; South]

Tatsumi and Indra were flying to a deck by the sea. When they land, the brunette gets off the dragon while the pair look at something curiously.

We are shown that the friends were looking at a boat of revolutionaries that was being pulled to shore by soldiers pulling them by ropes, Najenda and Susanoo among them. The reason was that the vessel was almost completely destroyed. The woman with a purple eye looked very frustrated.

"Since we made peace with the dragons, doing things the way they were before that has kind of become the hard way to do it." - The narrator says - "But some, kind of... still prefer to do it the old-fashioned way."

The soldiers finally manage to bring the destroyed vessel to shore. Najenda, sighing with exhaustion, rubs her forehead with her hand.

[Insert this soundtrack: Akame ga Kill - Akame Can Eat (12)]

Najenda: And there goes another expedition.

Tatsumi: Hmmm... Hi, boss. - He says, approaching the woman and Susanoo while Indra stood behind him - What's the problem?

Najenda: "What's the problem?" It's just a damned Rumblehorn that keeps wrecking our boats! - She exclaims, grumpily.

Tatsumi: Rumble... Horn?

Najenda: A new dragon that appeared in the last few days. Every time we try to get close to one of the Empire's ships, this creature appears and destroys our boats! He doesn't take a break!

She puts her hands on her hips, still irritated by the failed navigation.

Tatsumi: You know, maybe there was a way to avoid this... - The boy begins, wanting to suggest a way to help his boss.

Najenda: What do you suggest? - Questions the woman, in a monotonous way, although she already had an idea of ​​what the boy was going to say.

Tatsumi: You ride your own dragon.

The former Pumpkin bearer becomes thoughtful. Tatsumi had already suggested other times that she train a dragon just for herself, but she never took it very seriously. Even though she currently has no problems with dragons, the revolutionary general preferred to do her own duties and missions without them, thinking that doing it the traditional way would always resolve situations and feeling safer that way.

However, with that Rumblehorn causing so much trouble, the eyepatched assassin was considering that it might not be such a bad option after all. However, she still maintained her fear.

Najenda: We already talked about this, Tatsumi. I don't do things the "dragon way".

Tatsumi: Yes, but the "human way" isn't helping you make progress.

Susanoo, seeing this, approaches his master.

Susanoo: He might be right, Najenda.
Riding a dragon would make your missions easier. It would also be a great way for you to return to the battlefield. You would be able to fight several enemies head on, maybe even Esdeath.

The former imperial general looks at the horned man as she continues thinking.

Tatsumi: Furthermore, it would also be an excellent way to combat this Rumblehorn guy.

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