Chapter 2: Empty Promise

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It was the country boy Tatsumi's second day in the imperial capital. The boy had been taken in by the Ubiquitous family, who had given him shelter and would help him find his lost friends.

At the moment, Seryu and some guards from his mansion, as well as some Empire soldiers, were investigating the city, looking for Ieyasu and Sayo, looking for traces of them and interrogating people using portraits spoken by Tatsumi.

They were on the street, being followed by Tatsumi himself. The redhead carried her strange little dog over her shoulder.

Seryu: Excuse me, lady! Have you seen teenagers like these around here? — She asks a young woman, showing the sketches.

The woman shakes her head in denial.

As she continued looking, Tatsumi watched her, alongside some guards.

Tatsumi: Those portraits aren't the best thing we could use, but she's doing a good job!

Soldier: Seryu is like that. — One of the imperial soldiers speaks — She's great at arresting criminals, but all she ever wanted was to help the poor and needy.

Tatsumi: That's right, is it? — The boy asks, with a smile.

Soldier: That's why we value her presence in the police so much. She is one of the few good souls we have working for the Empire.

Tatsumi: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Soldier: Look over there. — He says, gesturing upwards with his head.

Although confused, Tatsumi looks in the indicated direction, seeing a mountain that contains a huge palace.

Soldier: At the end is the palace. The center of the imperial capital.

Tatsumi: It's HUGE!!!

The boy couldn't hide how much he was shocked by the size of the huge palace.

Tatsumi: Is that where the great emperor who rules the whole country lives?!

Soldier: No… actually, no.

Tatsumi doesn't understand what the soldier meant. What does it mean, it wasn't the emperor who ruled the capital?

The soldier puts his arm around Tatsumi's neck, pulling him close so that the conversation is private.

Soldier: There is an emperor, but he is only a child. The prime minister manipulates the emperor, controlling the country from behind.  He's the reason everything here is in ruins.

Tatsumi *surprised*: What the…?! — He doesn't finish, because the soldier covers his mouth with his hand.

Soldier: Be quiet! No one can hear. If they hear it, they'll kill us!

He uncovers the boy's mouth, who grinds his teeth.

Tatsumi: So… it's because of him that my village's taxes are so high!

Soldier: That's how it is here in the capital. To make matters worse, almost every week, dragons show up to loot our supplies. Not counting guys like them!

He points back with his thumb, showing Tatsumi three wanted posters that were on the wall. Its contained ink drawings of two women and a man, telling their physical descriptions while saying "DEAD OR ALIVE".

 Its contained ink drawings of two women and a man, telling their physical descriptions while saying "DEAD OR ALIVE"

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