Chapter 23: Night Raid vs Stylish | Part II

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With Stylish and his helpers, Mimi sighs in sadness.

Mimi: Kaku was killed... and we lost a substantial number of pawns. - She reports.

Stylish: Oh, looks like I miscalculated. - The Jaeger says, in a mock sad tone, letting out a heavy sigh - I think we should look for the Night Fury who is nearby and...

Mimi: The sky!!! - She screams, turning around - There's something coming our way!!!

Stylish: Huh? What do you mean...

Stylish is interrupted when a massive creature flies overhead, creating small shockwaves as it flies past. When the mad scientist looks up, he is quite surprised to see a large danger beast flying over them.

[Insert this soundtrack: Ready to (Instrumental)]

Stylish: A special class danger beast... Air Manta?

Me: There are definitely people walking on it...

However, Me is shocked to recognize one of the people riding the creature.

Me: This is... former general Najenda!!! And there are at least two other people with her as far as I can tell!

Stylish: What a perfect style!! - The crazy doctor exclaims, letting out a boisterous laugh - Taming a special class danger beast to ride!!

Hana: This isn't the time to be in awe... - He mutters.

[On top of the Air Manta...]

Najenda was staring down.

Najenda: Hmm, "bad luck in the direction of the hideout"...

The silver-haired woman's one good eye narrows at the sight of Stylish's army.

Najenda: That divination Imperial Arm was right once again! Right in the bull's-eye!

The leader frowns as smoke billows from various spots around the base. She then turns to the two hooded figures behind her.

Najenda: You two! We'd better introduce... Night Raid's new combat forces!

[Down there...]

Stylish: Hmph! Hah... Hahahaha!!! - He laughs hysterically, emitting a frightening aura that sends shivers down the spines of his minions - You took me by surprise, but... this is also a chance!

Snapping his fingers, a crooked smile spreads across Stylish's face.

Stylish: I'll make them my experiment materials... with my trump card!

[End of soundtrack]

[Back to Akame and Lubbock...]

[Insert this soundtrack: TMNT 2012 [OST 4] Shredder vs Turtles]

Akame and Toby fought fiercely. The swordswoman tried to tear him apart with her Murasame while the mutant tried to cut her with his claws.

The scarlet-eyed assassin slides to the right and, swinging her blade upward, she manages to slice off the villain's right arm.

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