Chapter 12: Mine and Sheele vs Seryu

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[Capital Park; at dawn]

Three assassins glared at each other. On one side were Mine and Sheele, with their Imperial Arms. On the other side was Seryu, with her Imperial Arm, Koro.

When users of Imperial Arms fight... one of them will always die... exceptions.

[Insert this soundtrack: Collar ID - Michael Giacchino]

Mine smiles smugly at the redhead.

Mine: So you know who we are... Why are you here? I guess you didn't come here just to die.

Silently, with a straight face and furrowed brows, the officer points at them.

Seryu: It's my job to capture the outlaws, and that includes you guys. Not to mention... that you took my parents away from me! So I'm going to combine the useful with the pleasant!

The duo clench their fists. The redhead clearly wanted revenge.

Seryu: I wanted to do it the easy way; just take you guys to be judged, but if you took the hard way, we'll take it the hard way!

[End of soundtrack]

[Insert this soundtrack: Akame ga Kill! - Strong Foe (16)]

Mine: Do you really intend to do that? All right then...

She draws her Pumpkin, firing a hail of gunfire.

Mine: The first to attack has the advantage!!!

Although there were several energy shots towards her, Seryu remained with her face unwavering. Koro steps in front of its user and is enveloped in smoke, making it impossible to see if Pumpkin's shots were hitting the target or not.

The pink-haired stops shooting.

Mine: Did I get it right?

When the smoke clears, the two see Koro with his size increased, with several holes in his body. The animal was fierce, while the redhead remained serious.

The girl's pet wounds begin to heal.

Sheele flinches at the sight.

Sheele: Mine, that's an Imperial Arm!

Mine: That's what it looks like. And on top of that, it's organic.

Facing her enemies, Seryu puts her sword away and pulls out two tonfa-shaped pistols and activates them, shooting several bullets at the rebel assassins, who dodge without suffering difficulties.

Seryu: Shooting from that distance won't work. - She thinks, ceasing her shots.

Seryu: Koro!!! Go get them!!!

The animal's jaw gapes open, creating rows of teeth similar to those of a Whispering Death. Koro runs towards Sheele, who remained calm.

The airhead woman uses Ecstasy to make a long, quick slash across Seryu's pet body, sending it crashing to the ground.

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