Chapter 15: Tatsumi and Bulat vs The Three Beasts

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[Dragon Ship]

In a room on the ship, Liver was sitting together with Nyau, who was playing a strange flute calmly.

In a room on the ship, Liver was sitting together with Nyau, who was playing a strange flute calmly

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Liver: As always, a refined sound. It matches this ship... - The eldest praises, with his arms crossed and eyes closed.

The flute Nyau played was the Scream, a flute-shaped Imperial Arm that can freely control the emotions of those who listen to it.

Liver: The ship passed the urban areas and you can't see us from the coast anymore... - He observes, looking out the window - It must be time.

Nyau: Since they've been listening to the music for a while, everyone on the ship must be out of their minds for a while, even if I stop playing now.

Liver: There might be some troublemakers on the ship who couldn't appreciate your flute... Don't stop now.

The little guy blinks.

Nyau: Right. I'll play a little more, just in case.

[Outside the ship]

While several passengers passed out to the melody of Scream, Tatsumi was on the edge of the ship, staggering while sweating, feeling his strength drain away.

Tatsumi: Damn, what's going on here?! This sound is killing me. I can barely call aniki, and I can hear even with my ears covered. That flute that's playing must be an Imperial Arm!

???: Oops! Looks like there's still someone resisting! - Tatsumi hears a male voice speak.

Looking back, he sees someone step out of the shadows with a sadistic grin. It was Daidara.

Daidara: If you were sleeping, I'd leave you alone

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Daidara: If you were sleeping, I'd leave you alone.

Tatsumi: Ghñ... You must be one of Night Raid's impostors!

Daidara: Hahahaha! So are you one of the real ones? How wonderful! Take it!! - He throws something at the brunette.

The Night Raid assassin takes the object. It was a sheathed sword.

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