Chapter 11: Let's Go, Tatsumi!

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[Favelas of the Imperial Capital; at the moment]

Tatsumi and Leone walked through the slums. As the sultry blonde smirked, the Night Fury's friend looked around curiously. Several people were smiling happily at the blonde brute.

"Hello, Leone!" - Greets a hooded woman.

"I would like another shoulder rub the next time you come by." - Asks a short elderly woman.

"Looking hot today, nee-san! Come drink with us tonight!" - Invite a man.

"Yes! Come hang out with us, Leone!" - Another guy complete.

Tatsumi is a bit surprised at how happy the people in that place seem compared to the rest of the people in the Capital.

Tatsumi: These tenements are full of life, aren't?

Leone: Humble people are like that! When you are born poor in the periphery, you learn to stay strong!

Tatsumi: But you're pretty popular around this region, huh?

Leone: I was born and raised in this place. - She explains, smiling - And this is where I created my reputation as a massage therapist.

"Stop there, Leone!!!" - Someone screams.

Turning around, the two assassins see a trio of men running towards the blonde, filled with rage.

"I'll make you pay for your drinks!!!"

"It's time for you to settle your gaming debts!!!"

"I want the money you stole from my brother!!!

Leone: I'm screwed! - Even saying that, she was smiling with amusement.

The feline woman runs away. As it wasn't silly (I think), Tatsumi runs off to accompany her.

Leone: What's up? Agitated little place, right? - She says to the youngest.

Tatsumi: Agitated?!! I think those guys want your head!!! - He exclaims, not amused by this at all.

[Imperial Palace; audience chamber]

An imperial official was kneeling before emperor Makoto, who was sitting on the royal throne, with Honest standing beside him.

"I bring news." - He says, politely - "General Nakakido and general Hemi be defected. They have joined the rebel army."

The people around the rug on which the man was kneeling are surprised.

"So Nakakido defected?" - Asks a man with a cap.

"The rebel army is getting bigger and bigger." - A hunchbacked bald man asks.

"If we don't act soon, it will be the end of the Capital..." - Murmurs a man with straight brown hair.

Seeing the concern of his subjects, the emperor rises.

Makoto: Stay calm, gentlemen! - The boy orders, with his hand up - The rebels live in the South region! We can defeat them! It's even better. With all the rebels gathered, they will be squeezed into one place! - Says the emperor, in a serious way, which even sounded a bit imposing.

Makoto turns to Honest with a happy expression.

Makoto: Did I do well, prime minister? - He asks, cutting through all his imposing grandeur.

Honest: Hehehehe! Your calm is necessary for the situation, your majesty! But the most important...

He bites into a piece of meat he was holding.

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