Chapter 9: You Just Live Once

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[Night Raid's meeting room; in the morning]

Najenda, Lubbock and Leone were eating some fruits that were picked by Akame. This time, the one in charge of training Tatsumi was Sheele, precisely the group's airhead.

Lubbock had a thoughtful look on his face.

Lubbock: I wonder if it was a good idea to tutor Sheele… — He says, eating.

Najenda takes a bite of an apple she was holding with her prosthetic arm.

Najenda: It shouldn't be a problem. I think Sheele will get along with Tatsumi.

Lubbock: What makes you think that? — He asks, as Leone approaches the table.

Najenda: An experienced tutor must be good for him.

Leone: Yeah!!! I want to be the next one to train Tatsumi!!

Najenda: See? It could be her later.

Frustrated, the greenish assassin covers his head with his hands.

Lubbock: Oh, that's a big injustice!!! — He shouts, envious of the rookie assassin.

The boss, seeing this, tries to launch one of her infamous "one-liners".

Najenda: The more experienced the assassin… the better the student.

Leone and Lubb are like "WTF?!", staring at their boss.

Najenda: What did you think? Does the phrase sound good?

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Najenda: What did you think? Does the phrase sound good?

The two walk away from the one-eyed woman. The leader gets a little upset.

Najenda: … I think not…

[Outside; near a river]

Tatsumi was in his training with the user of Extase. The boy was in the river, swimming... in armor?

The green-eyed boy comes out of the river, panting. His momentary tutor watched him, sitting on the rocks.

Sheele: Congratulations! You did very well swimming with that armor!

The brunette stands up, trying to remove the metal plates from his body.

Tatsumi: Man… it's hard to swim with that much weight!

Sheele: Swimming in armor is a very important discipline in the training of an assassin!

Tatsumi: And how, exactly, is that going to help me?

Sheele: … — The woman with purple hair takes a while to answer. She gets a sly face — I don't remember.

Tatsumi: Why did I ask? — He thinks, remembering who he was talking to.

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