Chapter 33: It's Now or Never

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When Tatsumi and Indra manage to catch up to Atsuko, they both see that the woman with bichromatic hair was standing in front of an area of ​​the beach that was emitting an intense smoky purple glow.

Atsuko: It's here! The solution is in the place where we were transported!

Tatsumi: So that guy can only transport people to places with that brand — He asks, thinking about the hooded man who sent them to that island.

Atsuko: Probably. And if we take the size into account, it can only carry a few people at a time. Plus, it probably uses a lot of energy, so he can't use it all the time.

Tatsumi: So, if we stay here long enough… — Speak, already reasoning — …The portal will open again.

Atsuko: Bingo!  — She says, snapping her fingers — It's the best way I thought to get out of here, since, well... Indra won't be able to take us.  — She looks at said dragon — No offense!

The dark reptile rolls his eyes.

Atsuko: Well... Is it okay for you to stay here and wait?  — She asks the teenager, sitting on the sand.

Tatsumi: Oh, no problem.  — The brunette agrees, sitting a little close to her.

The two then sit in silence.  Indra sits his butt on the ground, casually looking up at the sky whose stars twinkled above the trio.

Tatsumi seemed a little nervous, not knowing what to do. However, quickly realizing that his friend wanted to say something to the general, Indra nudges the boy's back with his head.

The swordsman looks back to face the animal. The Night Fury gestures with his head towards the Ignis wielder.

The brunette looks at the woman and, nervously, looks back at the ground.  However, the dragon slaps him on the back of the head with its tail, eliciting a groan of pain from Najenda's subordinate.

Tatsumi: Okay, okay!!  — He exclaims to his friend — I'm going to talk to her.

The draconid predator nods, looking satisfied.

The boy gets up and walks towards Esdeath's sister, who remained sitting. The brown haired teen walks over to stand next to her.

A little shy, he rubs his right shoulder, thinking about how to start the conversation.

(Flashback ON)

Tatsumi: So... I guess we're a long way from home.  — He says, in an apathetic voice.

Atsuko: Hey! Smile, Tatsumi! — She consoles, with a friendly elbow on the boy's shoulder — Let's find a way out! Hope is the last thing to die, right?

(Flashback OFF)

Tatsumi then thinks about the friendly elbow Atsuko gave him when she comforted him.

Looking at the fire user, the Incursio wielder elbows her right shoulder.

Atsuko: Ow! — She complains, rubbing her shoulder. The warrior looks at the killer —Why did you do that?!

Tatsumi: … — The dragon trainer looks away from her — …I don't know! — He says, shrugging his shoulder.

With that, they fall silent, back to square one.

Tatsumi: Listen, Atsuko… — The Jaeger looks at him sideways — …I would like us to talk again… about that thing about joining the Revolutionary Army.

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