Chapter 24: Disappointment and Remorse/Attack on the Nest

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Tatsumi is thrown into Night Raid's base room. The boy stays upright and avoids falling on his face to the ground. The door slams shut behind him. Turning around with fear on his face, the brunette sees Najenda looking at him, full of anger.

Najenda: I should have known. - She says, crossing her subordinate's path as she walks - I should have seen the signs!

Tatsumi: Boss, I...

Najenda: Do you realize what you've done?! - The former imperial general exclaims, with her back to him - Do you have any idea of ​​the risks you caused?!

Tatsumi: Boss, I was going to tell! It's just that I... I...

The current wielder of Incursio runs his hands through his hair nervously.

Tatsumi: ...I was afraid that exactly that would happen.

Najenda: So everything you did with the dragons these past few days was because of that thing?! - She asks, pointing at him, turning her back shortly after - Honestly, my words cannot describe all your idiocy. I thought it had evolved.

Tatsumi: And I evolved, boss!! But... - His voice cracks, making him sigh - Look, you can do whatever you want to me! Punish me, make me work in the workshop, make me do the worst jobs, beat me until I can't breathe, but please... Don't hurt Indra.

The speech seemed to hit something in the woman, who turns around.

Najenda: The dragon?! - She questions, incredulous - Is he the one you're worried about?! And not with our allies, whom he almost killed?!!

Tatsumi: He was just defending himself!! - He counters, raising his voice as well - He's not dangerous!!

Najenda: Is not dangerous?!! What else are you going to say?! That the sun is square?!! That the Empire isn't rotten?!!

Tatsumi: Dragons aren't what you think!!

Najenda: They killed hundreds of us!!!

Tatsumi: And we killed thousands of them!!!

The leader is silent.

Tatsumi: They're just trying to survive, boss!!!

The one-eyed again frowns. Annoyed, she starts pacing the room, not believing what the boy is saying.

Tatsumi: Look, they only attack because they're forced to! Because they have no choice! If they don't bring enough food to a super-sinister beast, they become the food! It's just... that beast on their island... it's a horrible thing, boss...!!

The end of the brunette's sentence makes Najenda stop walking and, for the first time since they entered that room, the woman fixes her purple eyes on the boy.

Najenda: On their island? Did you find the nest?!

Tatsumi: ... - He freezes up, realizing he's been talking too much - ...Eh... what was the question?

Najenda: How did you find it?! - She asks, approaching the swordsman while looking him up and down, making him even more nervous.

Tatsumi: I-It wasn't me who found it, boss! It was Indra! It's not that simple! Only a dragon can find that place!

The information makes the Night Raid leader widen her eyes in shock. Soon after, her surprise turns to determination.

Tatsumi: Oh, no... - He mutters.

The leader clenches her fists, making metal sounds echo from her robotic hand.

Tatsumi: No, no, no, no, no, boss! You can't go there! The thing that's in the nest is an aberration that we don't know about, I guarantee it's unlike anything the Revolutionary Army has ever faced!

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