Part 17

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Destiny: Michelle and Kate are talking about something in her office so Michelle asked me to lead rehearsles

"OK, guys, let's take it from the tutting. Formations. And can we just scoot back a little bit?" I said as I also danced but watched the mirror

"So, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1 and 2, 3, 4,! wait" I said when I saw a gap inbetween Riley and Emily

"OK, where's your spacing?" I asked Emily

"I dunno." She replied back

"So, then... you should go right here." I said pointing to the nearest spot

"I'm pretty sure that's where they put James" She said back

"Right. OK, so then, you're here." I said telling her to stay where she is

Destiny: I feel like there's a little bit of tension in the room since Michelle announced the new dance positions.

Michelle comes back and takes over again

"Ok guys lets do the acro-section. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8..." Michelle said

Eldon: I feel really bad for Emily. She was dance captain, and now, she's just stuck in the back row? I wish there was something I could do.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. That was really nice, Eldon."

Emily: When Michelle compliments Eldon it gives me a weird feeling. Does she like him? She can't let her personal feelings get in the way of her being dance captain.

We all did our flips besides Emily and Michelle got sick of her slacking off and confronted her

"Um, Emily? Everyone else did their flips except for you. You're not just hurting me, you're hurting everyone." Michelle said

"Well, the team hurt me, especially you." Emily said then leaving

Emily: I can't believe I used to be dance captain, and now, here I am standing at the BACK row. It's such an obvious slap in the face by Michelle. I don't even know if I can be here any more since no-one respects me.


I was in the studio rehearsing and Michelle walks in with two juices

"Hey" I said to Michelle and grabbed the juice she handed me and sat on the floor beside Michelle

"Hey! So I was thinking you and me go shopping for regionals tomorrow" Michelle asked me

"Ofcourse" I said smiling back

"Ok also West asked me to ask you are you mad at him?" She asked me in a confused tone then I chocked on my drink

"Wha. No." I said inbetween my coughs

"You can tell me. You wont even look at him anymore! We cant have that for regionals" Michelle told me

"... Fine. Its becuase I like West" I told Michelle who then chocked on her drink

"WHAT" She yelled "YOU LIKE W!" she yelled again before I put my hand over her mouth

"You like West!" she whispered-yelled

"Yea but please dont tell him" I said to Michelle who was still in shock

"I wont I promise" She said then we saw people walk in for the ballet class Kate was holding


"Hey, guys, I just have one change that I want to make, just minor. Um, I'm going to follow up on your request and switch you with Emily." Michelle told the team

"Oh. OK." Kate said confused

Michelle: I was so caught up in changing the lines for Eldon that I forgot to run it by Kate and Chris. I hope I'm not in trouble.

Chris: Michelle changing the positions kind of boggles my mind. Eldon is one of the best dancers in the studio, and putting him in the back is kind of a risky move. But Michelle is new captain and she has my trust.

"Wait, so Eldon's in the back?" Daniel asked


Daniel: Michelle's decision to put Eldon in the back row and Emily in the front, huge mistake. Mayday, mayday, abort, get out of there. I mean, what is she doing?

Destiny: I'm hoping that Michelle is not going to blow her chance as dance captain.

Michelle: I don't know if it's the best move, but I needed to throw Eldon off the trail. And with a little encouragement, Emily will do a good job.

"I was really harsh to Emily during her audition and she did really well." Michelle said

"Yeah, she did well, but Eldon's one of our best dancers" West argued

"You are. Just trust me guys, it's for the best. All right?" Michelle told the team

Eldon: I'm really excited for when Emily comes into the room and finds out that she's in the front because I saw how sad she was. I feel like a knight coming in to save the day.

"Let's get started and rework it."

"Guys!" Riley said running in and panting


"Emily and Stephanie are leaving the studio." Riley told the team

"What?!" We all said

Kate: I feel...really betrayed. I'm outraged.

"What are we going to do for Regionals? We're two short!"

Michelle: It's the worst thing that could be happening this close to Regionals. I don't know what we're going to do. This is really bad news.

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