Patt 26

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"Hey. OK. So, what's the first round?" Kate asked me

"OK, basically, they're putting four dancers from different nations onto one team, so you have to learn how to work together. The thing is, there's 40 teams and only the top four advance." I tell my team


Destiny: There are 160 countries, and by the end of today, they'll be whittled down to 16.

"Well, do we know who the best fit is from our studio?" Eldon asked me

"Well, we get to choose." I answered

"OK, so did they give any hints as to who would be best?" Riley asked me

"Speaking other languages is important. Thalia, how many ways can you say hello?" I asked Thalia then she started thinking

"55 - well, 56, because I taught myself Swedish this morning." Thalia told the team

"You speak 56 languages? I speak one." West randomly said

"So, no to West, yes to Thalia. OK, your team is going to be waiting up there." I tell her and she starts making her way up

Eldon: She never fails to impress me.


Destiny: Right now, we're rehearsing the two to seven person dance, because if Thalia gets through her round, then we're up next.

Giselle: I honestly don't know why Stephanie is marking right now.We are about to perform this in the next round.

Riley: When you mark your routine, you don't get the same overall experience. Your body needs to know what it's doing.

I look over my shoulder and see Steph marking so I speak up "OK, Steph - why are you marking?" I ask her

"Um, I just think that it's important for me to save my energy. I mean, I want to save it all for the stage." Stephanie says

""Save your energy"? While everyone else is doing it full out?" I scolded her

"I don't think I had a big enough breakfast, to be honest. My stomach kind of feels weird. Yeah, I'm feeling a little fainty." Stephanie tells me and I just nodd

Destiny: She didn't eat enough today? Like, what?You should be on top of your game every single day of Internationals. This is not a joke.

"OK. Why don't you go and get some food and water and come back, OK?" I tell her and she goes off

Riley: Right now, I'm extremely frustrated with Steph. This is where she wanted to be. Be here, if you're going to be here.

"What are we going to do? We cannot have her in our routine if she's going to be marking it like that." Riley complains

"We should think about replacing her." I sugggest

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