Part 17

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"Hey." Giselle said then I looked at saw the mailman put a letter on Kates desk

Noah: The courier just arrived, which means it's a letter from Internationals. And I think we're all pretty excited to see what it's going to say.

Riley: Seeing another International letter is exciting but also nerve-racking because we have no idea what it says in there.

"What do you think the next dance is?" West asked the team

"Well, we know we have a two to seven person dance. We know we have a duet. Semifinals. Finals. So why don't we start working on an eight person dance just to be prepared." I spoke up then some people agreed and some people didnt

"No. Not another dance." Stephanie spoke up

Stephanie: Why make up nine different dances when we could be cleaning the ones that we really need?

"What if we need to prepare this and we don't have it?" West defended me

"Exactly." I answered

West: Internationals has been throwing us curveballs, so I think we should be ready for them.

"We can have as many dances as we want, but if they're not good, we're not going to advance anyway." Cierra spoke for the team

Cierra: I'm already staying here late enough. Add another dance unnecessarily, it's just not going to work.

"Guys. Hey. Give it a chance." I said

"But what if we have to have it prepared...?" West spoke up

"Exactly." I said over again

"instead of making a new dance why dont we just perfect it. I dont wanna stay here longer" Cierra spoke up

"No one said you were in the dance" I said then the whole team started argueing if we should make a new dance or perfect the others


Destiny: When the whole team was argueing I saw Ella and Riley walk out. I need to figure out what they did

"Hey guys" I said sitting next to then as they stretched

"Hey" Riley said nervously

Riley: I dont know if Destiny knows but Im kinda scared

"Where did you guys go. You cant just walk off like that" I said then Ella and Riley looked at eachother

"Umm. We went to the bathroom" Riley said nervously

Then Ella spoke up "Well since you are dance captain I will just tell you. Me and Riley made a fake letter about a fake dance to calm down the team about Internationals"

I looked at them in shock

"I told her not to" Riley randomly blurted

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