Part 32

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Emily: Right now, we're on an empty stage rehearsing our routine for the semifinals. Since Destiny won the fourth round, we will be competing against Joanne Chapman's.

Riley: I'm getting kind of nervous because Joanne Chapman's is really good. They're really clean and really up to date with their style. But I am still happy we don't have to go up against LOD... yet.

"Psst. Destiny. Come on." West told me as we were waiting back stage

West: I pulled Destiny aside because I've been doing a lot of thinking about what she said. You know, why I love her. I think I have an answer.

"I have something for you" West said the handing me book

"A book?"

"Yeah." West answered

"I'm... I'm sorry, I don't get it." I asked West

"Open it up to the page I marked and read it out." He said then I opened it and saw a chapter that was marked and read out loud

""Can I trust you?" Damon asked Elena "You cant compel me. Im wearing vervain" Elena snarkishly told Damon "Im not compeling you" Damon told her then Elena looked up at him "Yes. You can"" I read from the book and looked up at West

"West I dont understand" I said then gave West his book back

"What I am trying to say is. Elena hated Damon yet he put her trust in her" He said "You have to be more like Damon and trust me. Tell me the truth have I ever broke your trust" He asked me while I looked up thinking

"No. But didnt Elena lie" I answered

"Thats not the point but I havent broke your trust. So what is there holding you back?" West to me

"So, uh, am I winning you over?" West spoke up

"We'll see how you dance!" I answered then walking away but I heard him talk to himself

"That's a yes."

We all walked on stage and started to over think about every little thing on the stage. West patted my back as I walked on the stage and I smiled back at him

Chloe: This will be the first time that a lot of us have stepped out onto that national stage and now it's time for everyone to come together as a team and make it to the final round.

Thalia: I look around and I see my team-mates and I just know that we're going to do really well.

Eldon: We all have each others' backs and I know that we would all do anything for this team.

"Let's do it! You got this, let's go!" Kate yelled from back stage

Destiny: It's time for the team to come together, it's time for us to work together, it's time for us to prove that we're here to win.

Riley: The story of the dance basically is we're all trying to get somewhere but we can't do it alone. So it's all about teamwork and team chemistry. So, as one person tries to get there, they can't make it without all of us being there.

Emily: So Riley tries to get up and we all go with her and, as people start moving closer and closer to the edge of the stage, it's kind of pulling everyone forward.

James: We can't move on if we don't have everybody. It's kind of like A-Troupe.

Giselle: It is a crazy feeling, looking out at the audience and there's 1,200 people looking right at you.

Chloe: I'm just kind of overwhelmed with all the amount of support that we have from the audience. It's just screams and screams and I can barely hear myself think.

Emily: The dance is going amazing. I can feel us moving as one, breathing as one... We have this. We're going to win.

We go for the last move then I see Emily holding her knee and not going up. I push West away then go to Emily helping her up

"You all right?" I asked her then I walked her off the stage

Chuck- Uh, Tre, I was just about to say fantastic routine, but I think there may have been an injury. What did you think?

"Emily, Emily, Emily!" Kate said as I walked her off stage and on a chair and Emily told me to go on stage

Riley: Knowing whether or not we won can wait I just want to make sure my sister is fine.

Chuck- I'm not quite sure what happened. We'll obviously get those details as they funnel into us, uh... It's such a special moment and for something... Again, we're speculating here...

Trey- For something as tragic as an injury to happen at this juncture of the competition? Here's the thing you're allowed to have an alternate. Uh, however, it appears that The Next Step doesn't have any alternates left, Chuck. That's a problem. That is going to be a huge problem. What recourse for The Next Step if they do have an injury to one of their team members?

Chuck- That's a wait-and-see situation.

"And the second team moving on to the finals is. The Next Step!" They said but the team didnt feel like celebrating and we ran off the side to see how Emily was doing

Chuck- The Next Step is moving on. Or are they, Tre?

Trey- The rules stipulate that you have to have eleven dancers compete and it looks like The Next Step is really up against it here as they are hoping to move on to the final.

Emily: When The Next Step wins, obviously I'm over the moon. I mean, I can't really show it because of my knee, but I'm happy I didn't ruin it for them.

"Guys. I don't think I'm going to be able to dance." Emily told the team

"No, don't say that. You can, you can. You just need rest." Riley told her sister

Kate: We're going up against Life Of Dance and we have an injured dancer. Tell me how this is going to work out. I have no idea what we're going to do now.

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