Part 22

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"All right, Riley gave me number eight. Let's see what it is. I don't even know what it is, I've been waiting for you all. OK. I think it's like a riddle or something. OK. A fox, a bag of grain, and a chicken have to cross a river. You have to get them each across to one side of the river, but you could only take one thing in the boat at a time. The chicken can't be with the grain, or it will eat it. And the fox can't be left with the chicken, or it will eat the chicken." James read out

James: This riddle is going to be a breeze. I mean, how hard is it to take a chicken, a fox, and a sack of grain across the river?

Destiny: I have the answer already. I did this in primary school

"Is that it? That's all she left? Not a chocolate, nothing?" James siad looking for a chocolate in the envelope

"This is going to be so easy, man. With all five of us." Hunter said


"Eldon, man, put your chicken tag on." I said putting on him

"I don't know who the chicken is if you don't have your nametag on." James argued

Eldon: Right now, I just thought maybe we should layout this riddle, so that we could get it done quicker.

James: So I made a river. We've got nametags on, each playing a character. We're just working out the riddle.

"OK, we've tried chicken off the top, so I don't care, let's try grain. Maybe there's something we're not seeing." James said while I was watching them

"Just tell us the answer" Eldon said then I looked at him

"Im not getting Riley back. James is" I answered then James hit his hand with his head

James: Honestly, I think I'm doing quite well on Riley's list. So far. I've been getting them done pretty quickly. Although I'm not going to lie, it's a lot of work.

"No, man, this isn't going to work. I'm the fox, he's the chicken, fox eats the chicken." Hunter said then I rolled my eyes at their stupidity

West: I'm just tired of this. I thought this was going to be easy.

"Im going to get juices" I said then leaving

Destiny: The fox, chicken and grain thing is making me have a headache


James: Kate kicked us out of Studio A, so we're in the music room trying to figure out the riddle.

"Yeah, it won't work. You just said what if the fox is invisible." James said at West suggestion

"OK, wait, wait, wait. Everything's there." I yelled out

"There has to be a way around this. We're thinking about this all wrong. We're not farm boys, we are city boys. We have to switch our items." Eldon suggested then I dug my head in ny hands

Eldon: Personally, I think switching the names will really help because these are all, like, farm animals that they were talking about so switching it to, like, the city scene will definitely help us.

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