Part 33

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"I hate dressing up." Eldon complained while I was looking for a dress to wear

"We're going to Westminster Abbey. We have to dress up." West scolded Eldom

James: I'm with my brothers in one of the greatest cities in the world, and all I can think about is Riley.

West: I thought a tour of Westminster Abbey would cheer James up, but he doesn't look very cheered up.

"I don't want to go." Eldon complained then I walked out the bathroom showing them a red dress

"This good?" I ask the guys and they nod

"That looks fine" Eldon said while I shook my head

"Fine! Okay I need another dress" I said then getting a green one

"This one?" I ask them and James looked at it giving me a thimbs up then I went to look for another dress


"Eldon? Put on your tie." West said chasing him after I decided with a baby blue dress

"I'm not putting that tie on" Eldon said then I looked up at them frowning my eyebrows

"Eldon, you've got to put on your tie. Put on your tie." West said chasing him

West: I've been trying to get Eldon dressed for hours. Hours. At this point, I don't even care about the Abbey. It's the principle of the thing.

"Hey, I'll tackle you if I have to. Put on your tie." West said holding up the tie

"Please tackle him" I said then Eldon gave me a look then West touched him

"Don't touch me." Eldon said and they started to run around

"You know, you guys didn't even make it out the door?" James asked us as he walked in

"I am not letting Eldon go to my Abbey without putting on his tie" West told James then James looked ag me as I shook my head

"I don't want to go to the stupid Abbey." Eldon conplained kicking the legs of a bed

"Hey, you better take that back. My Abbey is not stupid." West said then took my magazine from my hand and acted like he would hit Eldon with it

"Thats not funny!" Eldon scolded West while I chuckled

"Well Destiny thinks its funny. So its funny!" West told Eldon who rolled his eyes then started chasing him again to put the tie on

James: There is one thing in my life that never changes it's these knuckleheads.

"You guys laughing? And what'd you get up to anyways?" West asked James who smiled

"I just chilled, man. Sat down on a park bench. Oh, I met up with Ella." James told us and we all looked at him in shock

As we were all shocked about what happened James looked at us like he knew our plan

"OK. Don't act like you two didn't send her to talk to me." James told us and I looked at him

"I didn't... I didn't talk to Ella." West said

"I didn't talk to her either." Eldon replied

"I dont have her number" I spoke up

Eldon: James and Ella don't exactly get along. Honestly, I'm just really confused.

"You're telling me that it just so happens that Ella sits down next to me on the same park bench, in one of the biggest cities in the world? That's ridiculous." James says and I take my magazine from West

"No, I don't think that's ridiculous. I think that's fate. Or someone else put her up to it." West spoke up and I nodded

"Its Destiny" I said winking then they looked at me not luaghing

James: I don't know why I ran into Ella today, but I'm glad I did. Destiny, or whoever, I just want to say thanks.


"Guys I forgot my lipgloss" I told them as they sighed

"Okay be quick" James says as I ram inside. I got my lipgloss and Ella texted me. 'Are you alone now?' She asked me and I called her

"Hey Ella" I said calling her

"Hey Destiny" Ella replied

"Again I want to aplogise about Internationals it was super wrong of me" Ella aplogised

"Its honestly fine. You said you wanted Rileys number?" I said to Ella

Destiny: I called Ella to talk to James about Riley. I made Ella reach out to Riley tell her that she was in town and basically gave her the idea to talk to James for her.

"Thank you for your help" I said and Ella answered

"No problem" She answered then James walked in and I shut my phone down fast

"Who were you on the phone with?" James asked me then I shook my head

"No one" I said and James walked up to me

"I know when your lying Destiny. Who are you texting" He said then took my phone out my hand and opened my phone and saw a recent call from Ella

"You called Ella" James said putting my phone down and sitting on my bed

"Why?" He asked me then I sat on the bed next to him tearing up

"Because I love you. I know I dont say it it alot but I do and it hurts me seeing you like this. I thought that maybe if Ella talked to Riley for you then you could be happier" I told him crying and he hugged me

James: I had no idea she felt this way. This proves to me how much Destiny cares about me.

"Tell me what she says. We have to go" James says as I wiped my tears and he put his arm around me

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