Part 7

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Hailey: I cant believe that Destiny gave me her spot. I told her that I wanted to be in B-Troupe and she went behind my back and made me move up

"Destiny" Hailey said with a look on her face as I sat in JavaJunction waiting for my drink to be ready

"Hey?" I ask her confused

"Why did you give me your spot when I told you that I didnt want to be in A-Troupe?" Hailey asked me boldly

Destiny: I gave Hailey my spot becuase she is an amazing dancer, but also becuase I dont want her to hold herself back

As I told Hailey that I didnt want her to hold herself back she played with her hands and looked up

"Dont you ever think that I am holding myself back for a reason? My flips arent as high as Noahs, my jumps arent as high as Alfies, my hiphop isnt as good as Henrys, my acro isnt as good as Amys, my kicks arent as high as Amandas, my techniqui isnt as good as Pipers, my extentions arent like Michelles. Im not Miss International soloist or dance captain or Miss Nationals soloist, I have never been to Regionals, Nationals or Internationals, I JUST got into B-Troupe and now I JUST got into A-Troupe. I dont want to just be that lucky person who got their spot out of luck, I want to earn it and when I am a better dancer I will!" Hailey scolded me as I watched her with my eyes wide open

Destiny: I cant believe thats how she sees herself

"Hailey you are as talented as all those people you just named and I promise you, probally even better then half of A-Troupe." I told her as she dug her hands in her head

"No Im not." She answered while I touched her hand

"I know your problem. You have parents who were professional gymnast and you feel like you have to be as good as them, but how are you going to do that when you keep holding yourself back. Thats when you really start falling behind" I said and she looked at me knowing I was right

Hailey: She is right. My parents always had high standards for me growing up and I guess to the point where I feel like Im never good enough.

"How did you know?" Hailey asked me while I smiled at her

"I had a older brother who basically turned everything into a competition. Like who could finish eating first?, who can make the tallest tim tam tower?, who could hold their breath under water the longest?, you name it me and my brother competed against eachother. I think thats how I got so competitive." I joked and Hailey sliently luaghed

"My brother always won though. I thought that I was never good enough to compete against my brother again and it was about the same time I started dancing too. Everyone had danced way longer then I have so I fell behind and I stopped going to dance classes altogether. Then when my mum signed me up for a ballet class, I was so angry at her for pushing me. I thought I was going to fall on face and embarass myself" I told Hailey then she sighed

"Well did you?" Hailey asked me

"Ofcourse I did" I answered as she smiled amd looked away then back at me to continue my story

"When I went to the class I saw that nobody cared if I when I fell on my face. They were worried about other things, so I kept going to different classes. Then I signed up for Sydney Dance Company, which is the best dance studio at Sydney. I got in and trust me it took really long to get where I am today but if I didnt fall on my face in that one ballet class, I wouldnt be a Miss Nationals soloist, two time Miss Internationals soloits or the best dancer in the world." I told Hailey as she looked up at me

"So what your saying is to push myself and not to be scared to fall on my face?" Hailey asked me when I got out my chair

"Yeah. Thats exactly what Im saying" I said then got my drink

"If only I was more like you" Hailey said to me as I shook my head at her

"Trust me we are already to alike. Its kinda freaky" I joked walking out as Hailey sat down thinking about what I told her

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