Part 1

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Riley: We're here celebrating our Internationals win, and it's like a dream come true.

Michelle: I still can't believe it! The Next Step is the best dance studio in the whole world!

West: I mean, where do we even go from here? The galaxy? The universe?

Riley: It's incredible, but it also puts a lot of pressure on us, because now we have to uphold the title of Internationals champions.

James: Winning Internationals, me and Riley. Nothing can top that! But it's time to move on. I'm in a band now, and that's my future.

Riley: James and I will still see each other all the time, but we won't be dancing together any more. It definitely feels a bit weird.

Stephanie: Now that we've won Internationals, I feel like I've accomplished everything I've ever wanted to do as a dancer. I've decided to move to Los Angeles to fulfil my dream of becoming an actor.

Max: I'm done. Time to move onto the next chapter - university. I'll miss everyone from A Troupe, but I know I'll always have a home here.

Noah: I think The Next Step has really helped me to break out of my shell. We've won Internationals, and now we get to do it all over again. I proved I'm not a rookie any more. And now I'm ready to defend our Regionals title.

Cierra: I never imagined that I would be an Internationals winner. But The Next Step made my dreams come true. I can't wait to see what comes next!

Amanda: It was great that we won, but I was an alternate last year. Miss Kate didn't think I was good enough to be on the team. And to be honest, I don't know if A Troupe is where I belong any more.

Giselle: The last year at The Next Step has showed me that I can accomplish anything. And now I'm ready for new challenges.

Thalia: After Internationals, I got an offer to dance with Bartek's studio, Wojdan Dance Academy. I've always wanted to travel the world and explore my Polish heritage, so I agreed to go. I just hope Eldon understands that I need to follow my heart.

Eldon: I don't know if I can dance without Thalia. All the sweet spots we found together... have gone sour.

West: Going to Internationals was the best experience of my life. Destiny and I won the title for our team, going travelling for the first time, seeing a whole bunch of different cultures, it was amazing. I am at the top of my game, but I definitely do have the travel bug. And I don't know if I can wait until the next Internationals to travel again.

Destiny: Winning Internationals has always been a dream of mine and Im at the top of my game. I was in every dance at Internationals, West and my duet won it all and I cant wait to win again. West told me he was thinking about leaving The Next Step and ever since then I have been seeing that card Luther gave me back at Nationals. But I know my heart is with A-Troupe

Michelle: I had a really hard time last year. My parents got divorced, I lost my focus and I lost my spot on the team. I don't ever want to be an alternate ever again. I was Miss National Soloist, twice. I need to get back to that level.

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