Part 30

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"Look how romantic their duet is!" James joked with West

"They're magical!" West joked back

"Bro, you said, "magical"" James laughed

"Guys rehearse" I said to West and James

"Um, Destiny? Could you just watch everyone for a quick second?" Emily aksed me

"Yeah" I answered back then saw West and James goofing off again

"BOYS. IN YOUR POSITION!" I yelled at them and then they went to there positions aplogising to me and bowing


Emily: Elite's final performance is better than I thought it would be. A lot better. I mean, they're clean, they're unison, their technique is impeccable.

Stephanie: They're all performing it so well, it has a storyline. They have this huge prop. I mean, what is wrong with their dance? Nothing.

Riley: Well, the thing, they're so in sync.

"Next on the stage is The Next Step!" A jugde yelled then West massaged my shoulders then lightly pushed me forward

Michelle: As we take the stage, I'm excited and I want to show them what The Next Step can bring.

"Hey" West said to me

"Hey" I answered back with a smile "Do you need anything?"

"Nah I just wanted to talk with you" West replied which a smile grew on my face

"Yea well I guess I wanna talk you too..." I said sacasticly then West laughed

Little did I know my hand was shaking

"Hey you good?" West asked putting his hand on my arm

"Yea, why wouldnt I be?" I asked confused

"Becuase your hand is shaking" West said then I looked down to realise my hands were shaking alot 'Oh shit not again' I thought to myself

"Oh umm that just happens when Im nervous" I answered hin so that he didnt worry

"Ok then Im gonna go" West said then looking down at my arm then leaving and went to his position. My breathing was getting louder and my hand wouldnt stop shaking

West: Theres something she isnt telling me and thats bad

Destiny: I dont wanna tell West why my hands were shaking but I will but later on

"100, 97, 94, 91, 88, 85, 82, 79," I counted calming myself down then my hand started to slowly stopped shaking then I heard a voice

"Guys, 30 seconds! OK, get in your spots. Come on Let's go!" Chris yelled out and I was ready as I could ever be. All my nerves were gone

"Emily! Come on! We're going to start!" I yelled at her then motioning her to come

Destiny: The whole concept of this dance is basically Romeo and Juliet.

West: They love each other and they're not able to be together, because the families, they don't really want them to be together.

James: Until we finally realise that they actually are in love and then we accept it.

Eldon: I feel like the dance does reflect our relationship a lot. I mean, me and Michelle being Romeo and Juliet, it kind of works out perfectly.

Michelle: Because now I know that Eldon and I will be a couple, it's like it's the perfect start to our relationship.

Emily: The irony of this really doesn't escape me. I get it. They fight for each other and eventually their love wins out. That's the story of the dance.

As our dance was done we all took a bow as the crowd apluased us

"I know, I know, just give it a second, just breathe." Chris told Kate as Kate was freaking out

Emily: Everything has been handed to Michelle on a plate. She's never had to work for anything. And now she took the one thing that I always thought I would have. She... She just has to have it all.


"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the 17th Annual Absolute Dance Regional Competition is... The Next Step!" A jugde said as we all celebrated

Riley: Just like that, the new Regional Champions.

Giselle: We won Regionals! Hello, everybody! We won Regionals!

We all hugged eachother and jumped up and down

Stephanie: I can't believe we just won, like, I can't... I have absolutely nothing to say, I'm speechless. I just want to cry and scream and jump around forever.

James: I'm so pumped right now. Nationals, here we come, baby!

Michelle: I'm so happy. I just can't wait to see what's in store for our relationship.

West: It's so awesome winning Regionals. It's been quite a ride but it's worth every minute.

As we were celebrating the whole crowd was chanting. "Go Next Step. Go Next Step. Go Next Step. Go Next Step"

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