Part 8

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"Hey, you guys, listen up. I have a letter from the internationals board." Kate told the group

Kate: At internationals, you get bits and pieces of information at different times and the purpose of that is to really test the studios and their ability to deal with ever-changing situations.

"At internationals, you have to work as a team, but you won't get far without a leader. Declare your captain, and you'll be one step closer to Miami." Kate read out

"Well, Michelle is our dance captain."

"Uh, actually guys, I've decided to step down as dance captain." Michelle spoke up

"Look, you guys, with Emily gone and Michelle stepping down, I have made the executive decision that Destiny will be our new dance captain."Kate told everyone and I smiled at her and the team

Destiny: I can't believe Kate wants me to be dance captain.

Kate: She was assistant captain, teaches J- Troupe, now B-Troupe she basicaly is already the dance captain

"Guys, no, what about me?" Tina spoke up "I want a chance to be dance captain too."

Tina: When I was co-captain at Elite, Lucien taught me how to make a winning team. We need a leader like myself to take us to internationals.

Amanda: Tina isn't ready to be dance captain yet. She just joined A troupe, she should focus on being part of the team. Let someone else lead us to internationals. Classic Tina. Always thinks she knows better than everybody else.

"All right, this is what we'll do. Tina, you'll choreograph a trio. Destiny, you'll choreograph a trio. Those two trios will compete against each other, and the winning dance will determine the dance captain." Kate said and I nodded

Destiny: I'm not surprised that Tina wants to challenge for dance captain, but she has a lot of nerve. This is not going to go over well.

"Who would like to be the first on the contemporary team?" Kate asked everyone.

I was doing a hip-hop routine and Tina was doing contemporary. First Max and Eldon joined my team and Noah and Thalia joned Tina which left two more people. West and Chloe

Kate: Right now, we're deciding who will be in each of the trios for the dance captain competition.

Tina: Kate wanted us to mix it up a bit, so I'm doing the contemporary routine, and Destiny's doing the hip-hop routine.

"OK, so the final dancer for contemporary will be" Kate said then West inturupted her

"You know what? As much as I love hip-hop, I think I'm going to go for contemporary." West said and going with Tina

"Uh. Ok your on babe" I said to him and he shook my hand

"Dont shake my hand that hard" West said strugling to take his hand out of my hand then finally I let go

West: I chose Tina's contemporary team because in order for me to keep up with the team, I've got to learn everything.

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