Charlize Theron

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Hello! I lost my old acc caliecastillo =(, please enjoy this book and I'll update daily well sometimes not =) Request are open and feel free to ask anything!

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-your lovely author Yielle.

♡°•°•°•♡ Bond ♡•°•°•°♡

Your pov =)

Today I'm working on a Lily's Cafe as usual, I've been here for 3 years..since leaving in my hometown to earn money to help my family needs. I placed the mixture on the waffle maker and waited for the light turned green. The bell rings when someone came in, I ready up some waffles on the counter and coffee, "Good morning! What can I get for you" I say when I look to see who it was "Hello, Just 3 chocolate waffles and 1 coffee please" Charlize says and smiles, I stare at her for a bit and look away "sorry..I didn't realize.." she giggles on my actions "that's fine..first time meeting me huh?" She ask and I nodded "Darling what's your name?" She ask, as I out the coffee to her and the two other waffles and make another one, "oh I'm y/n.." I smile and place the last waffle on the counter "hmm nice name.." she says and her kids grab their waffles and sit doe down at the table. I smile as my manager came in and noticed me "Y/n? You good?" Lily ask "Oh..yeah! Sorry.." I say as I prepare again "Why? What's wrong?" She ask "Well...we had a special guest today Lily" I said and gave to order to the little girl "What? Guest?" Lily ask, I pointed at Charlize and her jaw dropped "I know right..Charlize herself went to our shop today!!" I said clinging into Lily's arm "O..M..G!!" She says "Yeah! Omg! Right!" I laughed as she place her purse back down to a chair and we talked for a while, Some costumers left and I grab the used plates, Charlize stood up and walk up to me "Yes? Do you need anything?" I ask while putting away the plates "Well..your shop is so kids love your waffles and I love the taste of your coffee..I should be here you know? Like your guest" Charlize says and smiles "Oh well thank you!" I say "Look..its nice to be here, I like the atmosphere, I'll get back here" Charlize says and kissed my cheek "I like it here.. I'll see you on other day" She says and left, I turn back if she was gone and I immediately turned red as one of the costumers ask "Hey?.. um you alright? Your turning red.." A girl ask "Oh yes..I'm fine" I say at looking away placing the plates on the sink before washing them, After hours of working, Me and Lily closed the shop and went back home walking, a car horns behind me and I turn back and a car stopped to my right "Hey!" I saw Charlize again I side the car "oh hi, i didn't expect you here.." I reply "get in!" She say opening the car door for me "oh uhmm..its fine I'm al-" "No..I'll take you home, get in" she cut me off and I went inside her car, I pointed where my house was "well it's a bit far isn't it?" Charlize looks at me then back at the road "well for me it isn't.." I reply "got used to walking huh?" Charlize chuckles "Yeah..I've been working here for like 3 years so.. yes" I look at the window and back at Charlize, Charlize played some music which one of my favorite music: (Your favorite music =}) "I didn't knew you listen to that song.." I say "Oh..its really my least favorite songs" Charlize reply and laughed, we both sing a long to the song and as Charlize stopped the car in front of my house i took off my seat belt and open the door, "Hey.." Charlize called placing her hand on my upper leg making me pink "Oh uh sorry..anyways... Its great having a bond with you.. I like it" she says removing her hand on my leg "oh..Well, I kinda enjoy it to be honest.." I say and smile "Yeah me too..Let's meet sometimes yeah? You good with that?" Charlize said "yes of course!" I say proudly and she giggles, I got off the car "Bye babes" Charlize says and starting the car "B-bye.." I waved and she drove off, I jumped proudly before coming in my house 'She called me Babe!!' I say to myself.

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