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○°•○•°○My world○°•○•°○

Y/n arrived at their favorite cafe, Y/n place down the laptop on the desk. After an hour of working, Y/n stood up and went to the counter and ordered a cup of coffee, the coffee arrives and y/n went back to their table.

Lorraine checks her watch to see the time was, Lorraine arrives where y/n is at, she opened the door and saw y/n, Lorraine grabs y/n's shoulder "I've been looking for you!.." Lorraine says and y/n looks at her "why?.." Y/n replied "Y/n come with me..please" Lorraine looks around worriedly "Why? What's wrong?" "Y/n..you can't be here.. I swear!" Y/n immediately packed her stuff and follow Lorraine to her car, Lorraine went inside then y/n sit at the passenger seat and wondering what's going on, Lorraine drove off with an worried face as she kept look on the mirror above her, "Lorraine tell me what's wrong..I have no idea!" Y/n says and looks back at Lorraine "Its dangerous y/n..you know what happened lady time when they saw you?" Lorraine says and keeps driving until we got home "I dont want to talk about it.." Y/n said.

Lorraine parked the car on the driveway to the garage, Y/n got out and so did Lorraine. They went inside the house and Lorraine close the door immediately. "Lorraine?..why can't you just let me go outside?" Y/n ask "Y/n...you mean a lot to me.. that's why ik protecting you. Y/n..they're still looking for you" Lorraine said "...What do you mean?" Y/n ask, Lorraine sighs and put her hand on her lower gut, Y/n looks down "Lorraine...your bleeding.." Y/n says and look back at her "Yeah...I just met them earlier.." Lorraine says and Y/n quickly rushed to  get an aid kit on their room, Y/n got down and saw Lorraine sitting on the couch, Y/n kneels down and patch her up, After a while Lorraine was healed "Thanks..." Lorraine reply "You can't just risk your life for me!.." Y/n said "I have to.." Lorraine moves a bit and y/n sat down next to her.

Your pov

I sigh and rest my back to the couch, After for 2 minutes someone knocks on the door, "Shoot.." I said quietly as I got my pistol gun and pointed at the door, Lorraine grabs her gun and stood up "Go to the attic...stay there until I gave you signal" Lorraine ordered "No! Before they head to their boss, they're dead" I said "No..You can't be here..Go now please y/n...I need you safe" Lorraine looks back at me and I didn't listen as they kick the door open they shoot at us, I run to the dining area and crouch down, I pull the trigger to them as they shoot, One of them fell as I did kill one, I kept shooting as they all died, After shooting a tons of bullets I manage to kill 5 people, My ammo is low, I crawled to the drawer and open it, I grab the knife and throw it to them as I hit one of them, "You think that's helping?!" Lorraine yelled "Well I'm out of ammo! What do you think?!" I yelled back "I told you to go to the attic! Or else you would die here!?" Lorraine yelled, I barely hear her but I did understand her. Lorraine grabs something "Here!" She slides a gun towards me and I grab it immediately, I pointed towards them and shoot then one by one as Lorraine helps me, After a while ammo was gone out, I grab another sharp knife and charge to them, I'd say there were 7 more people "What the heck?!" Lorraine yelled and I stabbed to the first then kick the other one on the leg as Lorraine shoots the other guy trying to shoot me, I stabbed the guy on the neck and took the knife out and stab the last guy on the stomach then pulled it out, "Wow...glad you didn't die" Lorraine stood up holding the patch "You alright?" I ask "Yeah..Now let's go, it's not safe here" Lorraine grabs her keys and we went to her car and drove away from the house "...Thanks y/n.. You mean the whole world to me" Lorraine smiles "Your welcome.." I reply as she puts her hand on my leg "I love you...y/n" "I love you more Lorraine" I chuckled and as we drove away.

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