Charlize Theron

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Your pov

I was invited on a party at the club so I wore fancy as I could and went out to the door and get myself some taxi to ride it there.

After I arrive I went inside the club and got upstairs and found the room we will be partying at.

I walk inside and saw some of the people whis invited at the party, I sat down the black leather couch and play through my phone.

Charlize pov

I dress up and walk outside my house and went straight to my car hopping in.

I got my keys and start the engine of my car and started to drove off to the club where u got invited to a party, sometimes I never like club parties but this one is going to be great...I hope...

When I arrive I park my car on the parking lot and hop out of my car and went inside.

I walk upstairs where the room party was at and I went in and saw some of the purple who were envied in the party, I saw Y/n sitting ont he couch playing to their phone and I sat down beside them "Hey Y/n!" I greeted and they look up to me "Oh hey! So your invited too huh?" They ask and I nodded "Yep!" I smile and we talk for a while.

The party started and we all drink and party having some fun but Y/n doesn't drink so they just stay on the couch watching us party.

Their friend pull them towards me and I was a bit drunk that part and push them on me "hmmm??" I look at the two "Sorry!" Y/n said and I smile "Its okay!" I reply "Hey! Charlize!"Y/n's friend greeted and I wave at their friend "Hello?" I smile.

And everything happened well....

Next day...

You wake up in your bed and felt your head getting dizzy when you stood up.

You open your eyes and walk over to the bathroom and wash your face and brush your teeth. You went downstairs to prepare breakfast, once you got to the kitchen you open the wooden cabinet and took out a cereal box and place it on the table.

You grab a bowl and a spoon and open the fridge and got the milk and made breakfast.

You were lazy to cook breakfast so cereal it is. Your took a spoon of cereal and eat it. You grab your phone and scroll to social media and stop upon to your friend's post with you and Charlize kissing and in the caption it reads: They kissed!! @y/nl/n

And you drop your phone to the table and you look around and think if that was you or not...

Charlize called your phone number and you quickly answer it "Charlize....." You said
"Y/n...." Charlize replies "Did you saw the post?" She continue "Y-yeah....Was that me..." You ask "Yep....That was you..." Charlize said.

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