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Pieces PT2.

I'm sick yall :) sorry to keep you waiting. I'm not still better BTW. Haha... my whole body hurts a lot. Anyways, yall want a part two soooo here It is!!.

Love you all :)

Next morning. You wake up but still your eyes were tired from crying a lot. You stand up and rub yours eyes while walking to the bathroom. You saw your reflection on the mirror and you sigh and washed your face.

After that, you walk out of the bathroom and sat down the bed. You never thought this would happen...

Your eyes were tired and half open because you cried all night. You have no motivation to do anything... but just lay in bed and do nothing. Your phone lights up from a notification but you didnt even bother to look or see on who it was. You sigh and close your eyes. You heard a knock on your door and a voice. "Hey... Y/n?" Beth says.. your roommate. She wasnt home yesterday because shes babysitting. "Its opeeeeen!" You said a little groan escape your mouth and you heard the door creak open.

Beth sat next to you on the edge of the bed. "Cipher told me... what happened..." Beth added while looking down at you concern about your situation "Its my problem. You dont need to know that" You replied with a cold flat tone "You've been crying... I can tell by your red puffy eyes" she scoffed as she speaks, "Whata wrong with me beth?.. am I not good enough... does my... does my attitude that harsh? Or... sweet? Is Cipher tired of me?.." you ask multiple questions.

You heard Beth sighs "No... nothing it wrong with you bestie... you're okay.." She replied, you shake your head and got your phone and block Ciphers number. You threw your phone on the bed and lay down again, this time facing away from Beth.

Beth was concerned... She cant never see her bestie like this.. after a break up. "You helped me when I broke up with Mike. Now it's my turn to help you" Beth replied with a smile. You turn your body towards her and sat up "Thanks Beth..." You reply as you smile weakly. Beth grabs your hand and smiles at you "Wanna get some ice cream??" Beth ask you nodded. You stood up happily, thankful that your best friend is here to help on what you are going through.

You change to proper clothes, cute ones that you wanted to wear. You and Beth had the same outfit pick and walk to a near ice cream shop. You enter the shop, the air was cold from inside, just to keep the ice creams cool.

You picked your favorite ice cream and Beth pick the the chocolate mint. Shes always stressed if she wants ice cream but unfortunately if theres no chocolate mint, she'll break down like a kid who didnt get what she wanted.

You stop your tracks seeing Cipher having an ice cream and some girl beside her smiling while talking to her. Your heart breaks and Beth pulled you to the register and bought the ice cream.

After you bought the ice cream your face turned to frown and mostly heart broken. Your heart aches as that moment repeats on your head "Cheer up Y/n" Beth says nudging her elbow to your shoulder "...I cant... know shes talking to someone new.. more... better than me..." Beth scoffed at your comment and you wipe your tears away "Its like... I've been broken to prove Beth... I can't... handle this"

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