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☆☆☆☆☆Stuck with you☆☆☆☆☆

Vote and follow me!
Have a nice day!

It was snowing...

Lorraine and Y/n had a mission.

Y/n slowly went into a air vent were somehow lead to a system near the tunnel under the whole city of London.

Lorraine follows behind them and guards the vent.

Y/n searches at the monitor turns on.

"A code..." Y/n says and there was a passcode on the monitor.

"Here, I found this on one of the soldiers" Lorraine gave Y/n a piece of paper that had random numbers on it so Y/n types the code and the monitor opens and ppads into full screen.

As Y/n do the job, Lorraine looks around and saw a wall full of pictures and plans.

"How had they been hiding here..." Lorraine ask herself loudly "I dont know either...But they sure been hiding this format he government officials or...Any other authorities.

Lorraine nodded and wall behind Y/n and hugged them behind "Focus  Lorraine... Mission isn't done yet" Y/n mumbles and Lorraine backs off "Okay love" Then looking back the the wall waiting for Y/n to finish.

The alarm buzzed and Y/n and Lorraine had a bad sign the others are going to the air vent and Lorraine finds another vent only one person could fit in "Y/n..." She called making Y/n turn to the vent "Go in...." Lorraine said and garb them on the arm "Uou gotta be kidding me-" Y/n got cut off by Lorraine kissing them on the lips before Y/n jumps on the vent and crawl.

Lorraine on the other hand ready her gun and step out of the air vent killing the other soldiers.

After for a long mission Y/n and Lorraine runs off somewhere near the forest.

They found a cabin along the way and Y/n check in there and see ni one was inside or staying on the cabin.

Y/n told Lorraine that it was clear and they went it, there was a storm outside so it's getting a bit cold.

Lorraine grabs a firewood and place it on the fireplace and lit a piece of paper into a fire and drop it on the wood now they have a fore to warm up to.

Y/n walks with Lorraine on the fireplace and sat down next to her.

"You did a great job love" Lorraine says making Y/n chuckle "Oh please! I thought you were gonna die back there...Glady you fine a way out." Y/n reply resting their head on Lorraine's shoulder.

"I know love, now rest...I'll call back up later on, I'll keep a look out" Lorraine smiles and shakes her head "I know theres only one bed for us, but I dont see any troubles around here?" Lorraine looks at Y/n.

"You have to sleep Lorraine" Y/n reply
"You need some sleep too?" Lorraine argues back and lift Y/n up and put then down on the bed.

Lorraine takes her gears off and so did Y/n and both of them slept in the cabin.

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