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I place a bandage around my injured shoulder, as I finish I stand up and reload my gun before I put my other ammos on my vest I double check if I had enough of the bullets to use then i left. It was late, I saw a cabin near a beach, the lights were even open and I hear people talking inside, I assume there's 4 of them. I thought for a moment before walking towards the cabin, the door suddenly opens and I saw the 4 of them coming out of the cabin so I immediately rushed to the side and stay quiet, I crouch down do they couldn't see me it was dark so they probably will not. I saw Andy and the others walking outside talking with the 3 and she stopped when she was just 3 meters away from me, Andy looks back and walk in front of me grabbing my arm and I stood up wondering what was she doing "y/n?..what are you doing here?" Andy ask as she dust off my jacket "i-..I thought you didn't saw me" I said "Well I did" Andy says and gave me a kiss on the forehead and let me walk with her, I saw a black girl and I didn't knew her yet and I was looking for Sebastian "This is Nile.." Nick said "hi.." I said "Hello, Andy did notice you at first, she told us" Nile reply "T-Thats alright.. where's seb?" I ask and they all look down and look away "Where is he ? Is he dead?" I ask "what! No.." Andy said "Then?.." I said "We will talk about it later..let's head home first" Andy said and look at my arm "Your hurt?.. and why are you wearing that? Are you going on a war?" Andy laughs "no..I thought someone or enemies were near.." I said "it's over silly" Andy say while we walk back to their house "Over? No!, There was this like Chinese girl, I mean she look Chinese but I assume she's the...You know" I explain "Wait..what?" Andy ask "You know the girl with you centuries ago? I meant a looooooooooong time ago.. she's alive" I said "Shes alive? And your not healing?" She ask worriedly "I am..I patch it up incase.." I said while the two guys were looking at me "Wait who's the girl?" Nile ask "The one I told you...months ago?.. the girl who got thrown down into the ocean? If shes mad at me for leaving her, Theres Tons of seas everywhere!" Andy says and Nick and Joe laughs and  Nile tries to remember and she clearly knew "Ohh..man.... yeah I know.." nile said looking at me "Yeah..I saw her, she send 20 men to kill me... but they didn't" I said with a chuckle "Well..you and Andy are totally alike" Nile says and we all look at her "What? What did I say?" Nile ask again "Sorry..Nile didn't knew just yet love.." Andy says holding my hand and we arrived back to their house and sat to chat "Wait what do you mean I dont know? Dont know what?" Nile ask sitting down next to me "Y/n and I were together..since the start of my journey, we just got separate" Andy explains and holds my hand, the way she smiles at me made my stomach twist.. I felt like there butterflies on my stomach I smile at her back "Ohhhh! Now I know!" Nile say and we all chat until we decide to sleep.

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