Lady Lesso

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I'm sick yall :)

Mommy's obedient little pet.

You grab your books and your book bag and put the books and everything you need inside. You mostly wear a black uniform, you were cast on the NEVER side which was obvious that you were made to be BAD or something but, you were a bright and happy person but when your personality hits it it was quite the opposite.

You walk to the halls rushing didnt even bother to brush your hair because your late for Lady Lesso's class, you rushed in the room gladly she wasnt there.

"Well well... looks like someone is late... again" you voice was husky and very annoyed at the same time. You turn around back away "I'm sorry okay! I-" You got cut off "Overslept again? Y/n what are you doing late at night" The others laugh "Meet me on my office after class" she added "Take a seat" She ordered and you obey her.

You sat beside Dot and on your left was Astrid, the NEW KID. You listened to Lesso's lesson, your mind raided by her voice lowering and geting high again, you stare on her hand to her eyes and to her lips.

Lesso noticed and stopped and everyone looks at you, you didnt noticed because you were focused "Y/n?.." The voice was blurry but you blink twice and look around and turn red from embarrassment.

Lady Lesso walks to your desk "Y/n, I told you to focus on the lesson, not me" Her voice was just so hot. "Sorry..." You replied.

The lesson started again.

After for a few hours later she dismissed everyone except you.

"Y/n! You are staying" Lesso reminded and you forgot of course. You sigh and rolled your eyes behind her back when she was erasing the board, Of course she knew what your attitude is.

"Y/n I didnt tell you to behave like that to Me" Lesso turn her head towards you and began walking slowly to you, you stare at her while your back was on the door "Sorry okay, I overslept" You again mentioned "Why? Thinking about me?" She scoffed and got a bracelet made of metal, She gave it to you, you took it "No..." You can tell her she was disappointed you didnt think about her, You saw a lettering on the bracelet. Mommy's obedient little pet.

Your head shot up towards her making her laugh "Wh-what... what's this for.?.." You ask "Isnt it true?.. you are Mommy's obedient little pet? Is it not?" She lift your chin up "N-no..." You replied scared on what she'll do if you said you were not her obedient little pet "Good girl" She smirked and you trembled.

Lesso's hot breath was on your neck, she began sucking it slowly as holding you close to her. You close your eyes and let her punish you "Someone.. carves for me..." Lessonadded making you giggle "Yeah... indo crave for you babe" You reply "Is that so?... Then your not walking tomorrow"

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