Charlize Theron ^^

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Your pov

I was working on a hotel as a FO (Front office) the one who handles the people to book their rooms, It was 2 am in the night and i cleaned maybe the manager will double my money this week, i finished cleaning and i saw someone came in with some guards but there was just two of the guys with a woman "omg..Charlize Theron!" I said to myself soon walking towards the counter and sat there and pretend I didn't notice them until the woman came to the counter "Hello, sorry it's kinda late but I book in here just yesterday" Chaelize said with a smile on her lips "Oh yep! You did" I reply and grab the keys and gave it to her "Thank you..but have you notice it's almost like 3 am?" She was concern "Oh yeah! I'm just working thing oit actually" I said and Charlize smiled then left. I went back home and threw myself into bed and after I knew I was asleep.

The alarm buzzed and I open my eyes I should be in work now, I look at the time "4:30 am...Its too early.." I said and faces the other way where my moon lamp was, I sigh and I couldn't move..I dont have the motivation to do anything but I have to get up or else I'll be fired. I got up and made some breakfast and soon my friend called, we have the same job, I pick up "Hey!" I greeted "Good morning!!" My friends says "Oh I have a tea for you later!!" I said "Oh no no y/n! Tell me now" My friend refuse and i laugh and i open my spotify and connect it to the speaker and listen to a song (Your favorite song :>) "Why? We will see each other there anyways" I reply and sing the song and made some breakfast "Pleaseeeeeee" My friend begged "I'll see you later! Gotta goo!" I say hanging up and eat my breakfast after cooking then get dressed and went to work, I saw my friend sitting to their chair and I rushed up to my friend and sat next to her "What's the Tea?" My friend ask "Sooo you know last night I was here? Cleaning" I smiled and chuckle "Uhuh? What happened?" My friend ask "Charlize Theron was here! Lucky me!" I laugh and My friend laughs with me "No way really?" Mt friend ask but when I was just to reply someone went to the counter and we turn around my friend froze and I smiled seeing Charlize "Hi.." Charlize greeted "he-hello.." My friend waved "Goodmorning to both of you" Charlize giving me the room key that she had "Keep that key safe, I'm sure I'll lost it, you wouldn't mind right?" I nodded in reply "Thanks, have a good day you two" Charlize left with two kids and I assume that it was August and Jackson "OMG!" My friend said shaking my arm "yep! You saw what you saw" I said going back to work.

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