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Where is andy?..

All you could do every day is: Sat on the couch and wait, Clean the house and take a rest and just wait, You take a bath and sit down on your bed and wait. All you could do is Wait and wait and wait, but for who?.

Your wife. Andy.

After a big long day of work, You receive a call from your frei ds trying to cheer you up but of course you just pretend you were but you kept waiting on andy to come back...

You took a taxi on a ride home and payed the driver. You hop out the taxi and walk right up the your house. The taxi drove away leaving a smoky gas on the air, it almost made you vomit by the smell. You open the door with your house keys and went inside.

You threw your coat on the hanger and put your phone and work bag on the counter in the kitchen. You check the time on the clock above the TV.

The clock reads: 12:34.

You thought yet again.

I should clean the house?..
Or take a bath?
Or... wait again...

You sigh and just walk down the aisle of the kitchen and drink some water because you have to stay hydrated, it was hot in your town so everyone has to drink water or else they'll collapse due to the heat exhaustion.

You walk to the living room plugging on the TV and the Electric Fan and aat down the couch. You took the TV remote and turn it on. You watch some comedy movies to help you up. You notice none of that was working. You can't get Andy off your mind.


"Andy!!" You called for her, she turns around and walk out of your shared bedroom. You saw andy was wearing her jacket "Where you going, love?" You asked and she greeted you with a kiss on the cheek "Umm... I'm leaving for a while is that okay?.." She asked with a smile "Where?" You ask.

"Just out with.. some crew" Andy spoke a little nervous, she hope you say yes

"Why?" You ask "Mission, we have a mission, Its not too dangerous but I promise I will be back before you birthday" she knew your birthday was coming soon.

You nodded "Just be safe okay, love?" You smiled whole looking at her, Andy nodded "I will, And I promise" Andy replied giving you a hug, You broke the hug to take a bath and Andy continued of packing.

Next day...

Andy left... You stood outside of her truck and she gave you a big hopeful smile "I will be back before your birthday, my love".

You nodded "Promise me, you'll be back to me..." You reply, She blew you a kiss and to pretend to catch it and put it on your chest where your heart is, "Be safe my love!" You waved at her when she drove away.

End of flashback.

That was like... 2 months ago...

Soon it's your birthday but still she hasn't come back...

A sigh escaped your mouth and almost thought about negative thoughts.
Such as:

Is she going home?
What if she doesn't?
Did she left me?...
Why would she left me?...
She promised... she'll be here...

But when?...

Where is she?...
I'm tired of waiting...

You almost tear up when your heart aches in worrying. You look beside you, a small table with sea shells and you and Andy's photo of your wedding. You look down your ring finger and spin the wedding ring for like 10 seconds before you heard a knock on the door. You stood up thinking.

Finally! Shes here!!!.

You run to the door and opened it...

It was Nile... one of Andy's friends, Nile looks a bit of sad... and... you knew what it was.

"Nile?.. what are you doing here?.." Nile looked at you then handed you a grey green jacket and a necklace. You took it. You examine it.

"Wheres andy?.." You asked worriedly looking at Nile.

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